Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

My daughter was just remembering a time when she read the book 1984 and realized it was already past 1984 as she was born in 1987 . . . and the world hadn't gone quite THAT bad yet. The years do dash by.

In spite of the bishop's 'ruling' that January first, the Solemnity of Mary, is NOT a Holy Day in this diocese, I plan on attending Mass. You have to wonder about a religious leader who actually makes life too easy on us spiritually when we all know that attaining the grace of Heaven is NOT an easy proposition! I guess 2011's resolution is for more prayers that our Church takes matters of Faith more seriously than getting involved in secular politics.

Finally, we have a pastor who realizes that excessive use of Extraordinary Ministers at daily Mass is a liturgical abuse not to mention totally unnecessary! Last week, we had about 30 people at Mass so the priest and the EM got to distribute Communion to all of 15 people each. Have to admit, however, most people took some humor in the look on an EM's face when she sauntered up, uninvited, to help distribute Communion and Father kindly gestured for her to go back to her seat.

Yeah, women on the altar do annoy me. They come up wearing their stretch pants and low-cut shirts and want us to respect their 'ministry'. You have to wonder, too, about the men and boys who will never get involved in their church because they are afraid to face the entourage of females who have this presider-wannabe mentality and a sense of being MORE equal than any man present.

Oops! Guess I have to maintain MORE custody of the eyes this coming year to avoid the circus so many females make of the Mass with their self-righteous participation and in-your-face attitude.

On a happy note, God has granted us another year to work our way and stay in His Graces.

A funny flash back to my school days when Sister said that by the 1990's the US could be overtaken by the Communists. Wonder what she would think about the US that is overtaken by the sins of legal abortion and perversion?

My thought is to take just enough of the past to plan our future. We shouldn't dwell on the mistakes of yesterday to any more of a degree that is necessary to make today better.

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