Monday, September 20, 2010

So much trouble . . .

Someone came to our door, yesterday, who was campaigning for some local office. I like to ask them questions about major events in the country to see where they stand. Even if they would not be involved in many of such issues at their current political level, you never know who goes on later to higher office.

First of all, the woman who was running of this particular office came to the door wearing very casual shorts and a tee shirt. She wasn't dressed to impress but I decided to try and not be judgmental and asked her what she thought about obamacare. She looked totally blank. I repeated 'obamacare' and added, the recent legislation signed to take over our healthcare? Still blank. She didn't recognize the word and I clarified, obama, our president, how do you feel about what he had done in office. Flustered and obviously really not knowing what I was asking, she muttered, "I don't like what he has done to the educational system." Huh? Guess she helped me decide who not to vote for in November.

The more I talk to people, the more I have come to realize why we get the politicians we do into office. Many people don't bother to do their homework when and IF they vote.

It is interesting to note that if I came into these people's home and told them that I would be in charge of how they would live from now on, what they could and couldn't eat, and what kind of lightbulbs I would allow them to use, they'd pitch a fit. Too bad they aren't paying attention to what IS going on or they would find out that their lack of concern and voter responsibility is causing stuff like that to happen.

We looked at the flyer this small-town politician was passing out and, basically, she was for more money for the teachers' union. No wonder math is a weak subject these days. We are in the middle of financial strife yet the teachers' union doesn't want to hold back on raises. You can't get blood from a turnip but the union mind set with the teachers seems to think so.

Nope, this woman is not getting our vote although she should try listening to the news so she could recognize our president's name in conversation!

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