Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Can't figure out this world . . .

I heard on the news, yesterday, there is a 'how to' manual making the rounds of the e-mail on How to Molest a Child! The authorities would like to find the person who initiated this e-mail because they think he/she might be a child molester - DUH! What got me is that they say no crime has been committed in distributing the information, however!

Meanwhile, the media is focusing on some tiny church in Florida who is threatening to burn a Koran on 9/11. No, the pastor should not be backing this action but why aren't more people incensed over instructions on how to stalk and molest a child are making the rounds?

The upset over the Koran burning just shows how anti-Christian the media is today. They sure don't worry about ruining relations with Christian churches. Perhaps, in their warped, little minds, they realize that we will be more . . . what's the word? Oh, yeah! We are likely to be more Christian about it!

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