Friday, September 24, 2010

California IS the land of fruits and nuts . . .!

Sometimes, you really have to wonder about the politicians in office and, more so, the people who voted them into places of responsibility. We learned, yesterday, that some environmental board (appointed by the wacko politicians in office) wants to pass some kind of legislation that will raise the cost of gas in California to $9 a gallon to offset the smog created by the cars. They also plan to charge 25 cents a mile for freeway usage as well as fees for parking ANYWHERE! By anywhere, they are talking at the grocery store, doctor's office, post office . . .

Although they state that they are not trying to drive people from their homes, how will people who commute to work cope with an estimated extra $4,500 in costs for that? Their ultimate plan to to stop home building out in the suburbs and get people to move closer to their jobs and use public transportation. They want the limit builders to only constructing high rise rentals instead of one-family homes. Sounds like a lot of science fiction stories one thought would never happy. From what I understand, Russia is pretty much like that from their Iron Curtain days . . . and it wasn't very pleasant or even good for the economy.

Now, how come I can hear this and immediately think: High gas prices, less cars, gas companies closing, car dealerships closing, people out of work, businesses leaving California, more people on welfare/unemployment, food supplies more expensive because of transport costs, etc. . . . All these idiots see is a green, wonderful world going back to nature. Uh, I don't think God wanted us to give nature back to the animals ans bugs.

It just makes one wonder if there will be a sane place left in the world!

Just my rant for the day!

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