Friday, August 27, 2010

Do you make your vote count . . .?

There never is a line anymore. In this last local election, my husband voted on the way to work. I went in to vote almost an hour later. My husband was the 15th person to vote. I was the 16th. Our district is now represented by a pro-choice politician.

And if you felt that one vote wouldn’t make a difference, did you vote anyway . . . in case it did? What about our example to our children. Ever since my children were babies, they have accompanied us to the polls to learn that we think this democratic process is important. What does one vote matter? It could be a matter of your soul when Judgement Day finds God asking you why you didn’t care. When we have to contend with a pro-death culture, don’t blame the politicians so much as the people who didn’t use the influence of their vote to make a difference.

Evelyn Waugh, a famous writer, once said that when times are bad, the only way to cope is to pretend we are tourists in a foreign land. Judging from our elected officials, most of us have been acting that way for years.

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