Saturday, July 24, 2010

Where Charity and Love Prevail . . .

A situation is brewing at our local parish. It is of minor importance except to the two parties involved. It seems a simple thing, on the surface, but the ladies have turned it into a subterfuge of behind the scenes confrontation.

Two parishioners have donated tabernacle veils. They watch the altar like hawks, each day, to make sure it is THEIR veil that is front and center on the altar. Naturally, it varies according to the mood or time of the sacristan. At this point, the sacristan would gladly dispose of both veils and suggest new but separate parishes for the two ladies.

When one lady feels the other one's tabernacle veil has been up way too many days, she heads into the sacristy to chastise the sacristan. If she does not get satisfaction, you can be sure she will change it herself when no one is looking. Meanwhile, the other lady is watching from the pew and has been known to change the veil back once the first lady is out of sight.

The sacristan just shakes his head.

Today, the battle has taken on greater proportions - one of the tabernacle veils is missing! Instead of asking the other woman if she knows about it and, if this is the case, shaming her into producing the property, the deprived woman is putting her tongue to use in informing everyone, whether it is true or not, that HER tabernacle veil has been stolen and by whom.

The sacristan just shakes his head.

Amusement aside, it is kind of sad that neither woman can really enjoy the blessings of the Mass as they fret over tabernacle veils. Wonder if I should up the ante and donate my own tabernacle veil?

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