Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The world today . . .

There is a trend that I hear, over and over, whenever people are in conversation. It is the use of 'like' three or four times in the same couple of sentences. LIKE is sprinkled like pepper midst the subject matter like it, well, mattered! Nine out of ten times, LIKE is not necessary to the sentence structure or progression of the idea in the conversation. With all the available vocabulary in the world, why would this one word be favored so much? Unfortunately, the overuse of 'you know' has not entirely left the stage. We now hear stuff like, "He was, you know, like really interested in, like, what I was saying, you know, and he, like, seemed to, you know, want to say something, you know, like he meant it."

Sigh . . . This is our future adults, like, you know!

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