Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why is it . . .?

I love to cook and bake. During Lent, we, as a family, give up sweets. Why do so many interesting cake and cookie recipes cross my path when I'm not supposed to make them? Do you suppose it is my sweet tooth zeroing in more precisely because it wants feeding?

I guess the only way to deal with this is to finally start putting together my baking book for my children. Makes sense that I won't get any grease marks on the computer as I can't have a cookie near by to help me keep up my strength!

I've collected recipes for years and always get stopped short when I try to organize them. I'm thinking about starting with cookies and subtitling them with all the different ones that pertain to a certain method or ingredient. Since oatmeal cookies are a favorite, I think that would be my starting place. Actually, I need a bakery as I tend to bake more than our family can or should eat! Blessed are my friends for they shall be given cookies!

Speaking of cookies, my husband found out that when you surf the Internet for airfare, a 'cookie' is left at the site and when you come back, it automatically increases the cost. I suppose that this gets you to make a final decision lest it go up even further. I'm not a computer whiz but I guess it would be your 'browser' you'd clear in order to rid the site of the evil cookie track!

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