Friday, March 12, 2010

Royalty attitude . . .

I'm against the proposed legislation for a national healthcare system. Using the Democratic process, I have written several letters to our Senators and Congressmen explaining my concerns. Every reply is basically, 'Thank you for your input. I will take your thoughts into consideration when I make MY decision on this important vote.' No mention of the majority of the US being against this bill. No indication that anything anyone says will change his/her mind. Nope, just a first-person reply about how THEY will decide our fate based on how THEY feel about the proposal.

Then, Pelosi has the gall to state that we should just let it get passed and then we can all see what it is about. Huh?

Seems the Pilgrims left England and royalty behind yet our ELECTED officials have taken our vote and made us their serfs! Strange, new world with a lot going on that doesn't bode any good.

Pass on the word! We have the ultimate weapon - prayer and it is certainly needed now!

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