Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Addiction covered . . .!

After a long flight home from seeing his family on the East Coast, my husband's idea of a restful next day was to treat me to a trip to my favorite fabric warehouse. I haven't cut a single quilt square for a month and am looking forward to doing so as soon as possible!

Although I can find designer fabrics in the reduced price section of the warehouse, I kind of yearn to be so wealthy that I can go for the six and eight dollar a yard stuff at the front of the store. How come their colors always seem brighter? It is not like I'm not getting fabric by the same designers in the reduced section.

My favorite part of shopping for fabric is the 'stack' section where they have flat fold fabric piled about five-feet high. You spend enough time going through the fabric and you can often find something for $1.98 that is the same as the stuff on the bolts going for more. My husband initially laughed when I said I can find my favorite designers by 'feel'. He has seen me do it too often now to doubt me anymore. Cheap fabric feels cheap.

I did my husband a usual kindness. His only request when we go to the fabric warehouse is that it all fits in my cupboards. Fortunately, I used a lot of my current stash on Christmas gift quilts and easily replenished the shelves and managing to get the doors shut, too.

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