Sunday, November 8, 2009

What happened to Democracy or is it Demo-crazy?

What a greeting to a beautiful Sunday morning . . . Headlines blaring that the House has passed the first step in health care reform by a margin of five votes! I read an article on-line by the Wall Street Journal and they were running a poll. The vote was 69% AGAINST this type of health care reform! Most of the polls over the last few weeks have run in the same direction. What is wrong with our government representatives who have decided to use the votes that got them into office to propose their own, personal agenda? And, once again, the feminazi, Pelosi lied as I don't recall we had 72 hours since yesterday to read the proposed Bill. They are in the middle of putting a huge burden on the future salaries of our next generation yet show little remorse or forethought as all these people voting this into law will not have to be under the proposed plan.

I hope everyone takes note and lets their representative and senators know that the vote they are casting now will effect the vote we cast come their reelection years.

You have to wonder what is wrong with Pelosi and any other woman in office who agrees to a bill that could include abortion paid by everyone's taxes and rationed treatment for the elderly. Don't they have any womanly feelings for preborn children? They all have children yet they advocate the outright killing of them?

We have to be vigilant in this because IF this totally passes into law, the full effect won't be felt until AFTER obama's hoped-for reelection and then POW! They plan on this lull to see that he IS reelected. To me, this seems unconstitutional to MAKE everyone have the SAME insurance.

We do have prayer on our side because I get the feeling (trying not to judge here!) that many of those who voted last night don't deal in the Godly spiritual. Prayer is still a fight we can engage in and they can't outlaw that . . . although they may try!

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