Friday, October 9, 2009

New meaning for peace . . . ?

The first news to hit me today was the report that the president had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. First of all, the nominations for this has a deadline of February 20th . . . at that point in time, the president had been in office less than a month. And they say these things are not political.

My second confusion at the choice was the 'peace' in the title. This president has gone out of his way to take down the restrictions on abortion that President Bush put into place during his administration. He changed the rules on embryonic stem cell research which President Bush had curtailed. Sounds like a lot of quiet violence against the unborn yet he is awarded a prize for peace.

I imagine there is an outcry today from the deceased unborn of the world in view of this award to an anti-life individual. Abortion is not a peaceful event and based just on our president's adamant mind set on the subject, a peace prize is not an award he really deserved.

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