Friday, October 16, 2009

How come . . .?

Now, I believe in being tolerant but it seems that in today's world, tolerance is becoming a one-sided agenda. Our freedom of speech has become 'believe what WE believe and don't contradict otherwise you are exhibiting hate speech.' The scary part is that the government is intervening and trying to pass a bill to counteract acts of hate. This is confusing as we already have a law in effect to punish people who deliberately, physically hurt people or incite acts of violence. What is with this new bill? Are they trying to govern even our feelings and thoughts now?

A worry is that it will most likely invade the way we worship. There are some factions that don't believe the Bible is very 'Christian' so if our pastors preach on certain passages from the Bible within the confines of our churches, will we be punished for hate speech? What happened to separation of church and state?

I've been listening to a lot of talk show radio and it is amazing how so many people not only want to be what they want to be or do but it isn't enough that they are allowed this freedom, they insist, seemingly so, that we have to believe it, too. Our tolerance is insisted upon yet it doesn't have to be reciprocated. Certainly makes for an anxious future and not one envisioned by our founding fathers.

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