Friday, August 7, 2009

Where have all the nuns all gone . . .?

After Mass, yesterday, two ladies in matching beige skirts, white shirts, and beige sweaters walked past us. Only by word of mouth, on other occasions, did we know they were nuns. An older man looked after them and then to me and said, "Where have all the REAL nuns gone?" Okay, we both realized they WERE real nuns but, from outward appearance, they just looked like two, middle-aged women with similar outfits.

I wonder how many vocations go missing because young girls do not have the example of nuns in their lives. Although I know that clothing does not make the person, or, in this case, the vocation, example does!

I grew up around nuns. Almost all my teachers were nuns. After school, we'd see them all head for the convent and wondered what 'nunly' things went on to keep them so happy with their road in life. WE wanted to BE a nun and wear the wonderful sign of their Faith and vocation. Seeing a whole row of nuns at Mass was truly an uplifting experience and made me want to pray as hard as they were to attain that gift. Every time a nun would come onto the playground, the children, especially the girls, would be immediately by her side.

Today's modern nuns, I'm sure, have just as good a prayer life but they don't stand out in the crowd. It is often hard to tell a nun from a middle-aged woman attending Mass. Yes, a devout woman IS a good example but a nun in full 'uniform' makes a profound statement.

We used to have a sweet nun at our parish who didn't have a habit of any sort but pretty much dressed like the rest of us. My girls loved sister but never really got the point that she was a nun.

I know I'm old-fashioned but I think the various orders gave up a lot when they decided to give up their habits. It is also interesting to note that the orders that still respect the dignity of wearing a discernable habit seem to have more vocations. Wonder if any of the powers that be have made this connection?


Anonymous said...

Hi Barbara,
I'm Paula, mom to 6, and Catholic,not necessarily in that order... I've only read a few of your ponderings. I'm enjoying reading your blog.

I wanted to comment on the nun article. Perhaps, if you look a little closer you will see that most who seem to be Catholic are not Catholic. And, perhaps you will see, that even most Priests who say they are Catholic, are not. Perhaps if you look even closer, you will see that even the person saying he is Pope is not really the Pope. As it isn't just your imagination that things are looking back ward.. And it isn't just your sense of nostalgia that things are looking wrong. Catholics are not Catholic. In other words, the Church militant is in a terrible state of apostasy... Confusion, heresy, and terrible evil is ruling our world, including the world that says it is Catholic. You say that you are open to discussion, so, this is why I'm bothering to send this. As we are discussing, ultimately, the state of the soul. The state of the Church, does necessariy dictate the state of so many souls. And, currently millions of souls are being deceived into thinking that they are serving God, when in reality they are not. This is serious...

Well, I look forward to hearing more from you.


Barbara Maria said...

Hi, Paula:
Thank you for checking into my blog. And here I thought only my daughters were reading it! : - )

I have to agree with you that there are a lot of non-catholic Catholics in the world today. I'd be loathe to actually judge anyone since I think formation from some of our pulpits is to blame. Many of these people are acting within the lessons they have been taught. Unfortunately, our school system doesn't inspire research so they glide along in their warped ways and never think to look further into the history and Faith of our wonderful Church. Intellectual curiousity seems to be a thing of the past, too!

I wouldn't go as far as to say that Pope Benedict is not our Pope as we were promised there would always be a pope on this earth. We can disagree but not dismiss. Yes, there have been some instances where I felt he could have come out stronger but I don't know the behind the scenes problems and what is in place for correction and change. It is like the people who complained bitterly that President Bush didn't abolish abortion and were ignorant of the checks and balance system or our government and how the President acted within what was in his power. You can't change things overnight. The Pope is pushing more towards more devout and dignified liturgy. He will only distribute Communion to communicants when they are on their knees and not in the hand. Real progress is always slow but sure.

I really feel bad about the young women falling into orders that aren't as strict or devout. A look around will show you that the conservative orders that adhere to a rule and wear a habit are thriving more.

Yes, there is a lot of evil in our world even among the clergy and people we should be able to trust. There is, however, a lot of fresh growth in the Church. Although we have a Novus Ordo parish, we have devout priests who give us sound doctrine, are proud to wear their Roman collars and cassocks, and encourage reception of the Eucharist and Confession.

It's hard to take on the whole world. It takes away from my efforts from my own part of the world if I try and second guess each person's true devotion or leanings. I'm thinking that personal example, a good Catholic family, and gently showing people there might be another way is good. There are a lot of non-catholic Catholics around Just look at Teddy Kennedy, Joe Biden, Pelosi, etc. It seems that our weak points are being played upon and is a real strong sign from God that more knee time and Adoration is called for these days. We should be in a watch and pray mode and be guardian of our own souls. Besides, a lot of these wannabe catholics, unless they change their ways, are in for a huge surprise come Judgement Day! I'm praying for them but also working hard to avoid any surprises for myself!