Saturday, August 1, 2009

What if . . .

I had an interesting thought in connection with the proposed national health care that would so totally include abortion. The Catholic Bishops have already written a letter to the president stating that if the Freedom of Choice Act is passed, they would close down all Catholic, medical facilities rather than compromise their mission by allowing abortion in their hospitals. The FOCA has kind of taken a backseat to the national health care proposal yet national health care, as written, would provide as much access to abortion. This would probably include Catholic hospitals, etc., too.

We've had events such as 'a day without illegals' to showcase, according to the press, how much they contribute and what would happen if they weren't here. Seems that if the bishops were serious about defending our Ten Commandments, more especially the one about 'Thou Shalt Not Kill', they would stage a national event and call it 'a day without Catholic hospitals'. Yes, we can close them if FOCA is passed but a warning with impact might make more of a serious statement. If our Catholic medical facilities are permanently closed with the passing of FOCA, it is kind of a done deal. However, if we provide of day without Catholic hospitals, it is of short duration and gives people a taste of what the long-run effect would be. It is easier to take a stand before a stand is actually needed.

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