Monday, August 10, 2009

Digging up the past . . .

I have to admit that I do not like cleaning and sorting out my sewing cupboards. There are too many memories and way, way too many unfinished projects that my children have now outgrown. It's a bitter sweet endeavor as I sighed over little dress patterns I never had time to sew for them. Then it gets worse! I have to make decisions about what memories get to clutter up my cupboards another year and which ones absolutely have to be given away. Most of me realizes that I'm only on this earth a certain number of years but there is a tiny segment that is still trying to figure out how to take it all with me! I have a feeling that God doesn't want me to bring junk to my mansion in the sky. I'm hoping to have an eternity to clutter it up in a heavenly way! : - )

Cleaning up is good for the budget, too. I now realize that it will be years before I have to buy another needle having unearthed several packages that fell between the cracks in my organizational abilities from other years. Pencils, pens, and markers are not longer an endangered species, and it would be interesting to know how many times my unintentional thread collection could go around the world.

Even though the cupboard doors are closed on my sewing supplies, I know that the shelves are dusted and organized. You can just sense it when you walk into the room . . . that and the fact that the doors actually close all the way now!

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