Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Still quilting . . .

Two tops for scrap quilts completed and just in need of enough fabric to back them. I'm seriously considering a 'set' pattern for the next quilt but, as you can see, I am not near my sewing maching right now. I think I'm procrastinating!

I'm trying to learn Italian and have found that doing hand sewing while I listen to the lessons seems to sink the new language into my brain more easily. Unfortunately, it gives me more reason to increase the quilt population of the world in order to have enough hand sewing to become fluent in Italian. Hey, anything to further my education.

My son, however, feels that since I am working so hard on Italian, he shouldn't have to because we only need one to translate in the event we head to Rome. I am teaching him that this is not the case . . . in my usual, sweet, motherly way: "DO IT NOW!" He has learned the word for 'excuse me' and has managed to incorporate the sarcasm! A step towards fluency? He has also committed 'cosi, cosi' to memory which translates to 'so, so' and uses that to answer most everything.

Speaking of learning languages, I am testing one the library is thinking of buying. It is an on-line program and is really great. It is called Mango Languages and covers just about any language you would need in today's world. It is audio so you get the pronunciation. The words for the language being learned and English, are color coded so you know which is the verb, etc. in the other language. Really helps you learn the word order as it isn't always the same in a foreign language. Not all libraries carry it but if you are interested in learning a language, you should check with your local branch and put in a request.

Speaking of which, I have to go learn Italian!

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