Saturday, April 25, 2009

Swine flu in the aftermath of the flu season . . .

The powers that be seem confused about the fact that we might be facing a flu pandemic AFTER the flu season is supposed to be about over. Having a daughter in each of the places where the Swine Flu has turned up, I took time to think about what I could do to keep them healthy. Naturally, nothing will make anyone immune to the flu but you can remind your college students about the need of TRYING to get enough sleep, washing hands often, etc. Also, I read somewhere that some viruses/germs incubate in the digestive track. This immediately put me in mind of Acidolophlus. If you keep the good bacteria going in your system, you help it fight off any bugs that come your way.

We have tried a lot of different types over the years. Recently, we discovered the products carried at Their Tummy Tune Up and Yeast Assassin do not have any side effects, do not need refrigeration, and really seem to work well. We don't only use them for preventive medicine but for minor stomach upsets and headaches. It sure beats grabbing aspirin or Tylenol.

I just had a bottle sent to each of my children away at college and ordered a couple more to keep on hand at home. Thought I'd share as no one wants the fame of being a Swine Flu victim! Oh, and you cannot catch the Swine Flu from eating pork! This is strictly a person-to-person borne illness.

Just thought I'd share. Hey, if you are sick, you can't read my blog meanderings, right?!

1 comment:

Barbara Barthelette said...

I promise not to let any pigs sneeze on me.