Saturday, March 21, 2009

Crazy Quilts and Kindly Husbands . . .

Although my fabric cupboards are no where near the 'bare' stage, my husband has proposed a trip to the fabric warehouse with a lunch date included! No worries about the teens wanting to tag along. Lunch out isn't worth their mother's browsing through bolts and bolts of fabric.

I'm finishing a quilt I'm making for a friend's birthday. I just have the border and some applique to finish. I'm still working on a new rail fence scrap project. I have three varieties of colors in this one. Twelve of the squares are in every shade of green I could find in my scrap box; six of them are in pinks and six are in blues.

My trip to the fabric warehouse will have some added interest tomorrow. A friend is going out of town but asked me (trusting my taste!) to get her a yard and a half of six different fabrics. A challenge of tastes AND friendship?!

My husband's one rule about bringing more fabric into the house is that I have room for it. In the middle of my sewing, I realized this might pose a problem. Before I knew it, I had everything out on the table and discovered I had been hanging on to a lot of fabric scraps and lengths that weren't 100% cotton or were really ugly colors that someone gave me. I 'let' go even if there was a slight memory involved and sorted out quite a lot for the charity bag. I feel 'light' and a bit smug when I will be able to put away my new finds within minutes of coming home tomorrow.

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