Monday, February 2, 2009

Thank you thoughts!

As you rushed around during the holiday season, you probably heard many words said that didn't take in the actual meaning of Christmas. One person was heard to say, "Of course I didn't tell him what I wanted for Christmas! Just let him give me pots and pans again, however, and see what happens!" Another said that the part she liked best about Christmas were the small packages from her husband that always contained expensive jewelry.

The children lined up for miles to tell someone in a red suit what all they were expecting under the Christmas tree and forgetting St. Nicholas who believed giving was better than receiving when it came to happiness.

There was an undercurrent of worry about the economy and many overpsent in order to meet 'needs' that might not be available next year. I heard a lot of "Thank God!" and "Oh, God!" as I went about my errands but got the feeling God was just an overused expression rather than a heartfelt comment about our Savior.

Very little in the way of thanks was heard as everyone stampeded for the best bargain. And since the overworked clerks were getting very few words of gratitude for their efforts, it is hard to believe many were putting God anywhere near the top ten for thank yous. There are so many thank yous we can all find in our lives as we get into 2009. In between the gift wrap and post-holiday activities, I would hope there were some thoughts about what we have been given by God in spite of economic mishaps, elections, etc.

1. Our child's cry of hunger can be satisfied within minutes.

2. Warm clothing is as close as our closet.

3. Clean water flows into our sinks and tubs. (Do we ever give this luxury a second thought?)

4. If anything is missing from our dinner table, it is because we forgot to buy it, not that we couldn't afford it.

5. We have friends and relatives who care about us.

6. Medical help is just a telephone call away.

7. Mass and sacraments are there . . . are we?

8. We have God's help in maintaining a one-income way of life for our families.

9. Electricity lights up our homes even when we forget to let God illuminate our hearts.

10. God gave us His only Begotten Son over 2,000 years ago. Don't put His thank you at the end of your list!

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