Thursday, February 26, 2009

Productive quilting . . .

I like the days when the fabric stash works with the creative ideas running through your mind. I hate it when I look at my rather abundant collection of fabric and feel like I can't start a project without yet another trip to the fabric store!

Today, it all went together and I had the time and inclination to piece two quilts: one a pretty, girl-type pattern and the other one, a definitely boy sort of baby quilt. Both of them used picture fabric.

I hit the jackpot when I find good-quality fabric with a great picture print on it. Once it hits my sewing table, the fabric doesn't always go into the quilt the way it arrived. Scrap quilts are my favorite and picture fabric works well with that concept.

I usually begin my scrap quilting with six-inch squares of pre-shrunk muslim. I cut out a picture from the chosen fabric, place it at an angle on the muslim and proceed to add strips of contrasting fabric as the whim takes me. The muslim provides a good foundation for the square. After the square is finished and trimmed, I add one or two borders, depending on how big the finished square needs to be for the project.

An afternoon of sewing was a nice beginning to Lent. You can do a lot of thinking when you sew and send out a few prayers as your mind touches on various occasions or friends who might need them. My favorite way to multi-task!

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