One Saturday, the phone rang and the sister-in-law of a good friend asked if she could come over and look at the kittens. She wanted a female and we had one of each. It was love at first sight. The kittens was a bit nervous but allowed herself to be cuddled. The woman went out to buy all that is needed for a spoiled cat and Tisha went home with her new mommy. The personality match was perfect.
Naturally, Tisha's brother, Dunder, and Marcella were upset and a bit miffed that Tisha had disappeared. An hour later, I got an e-mail from THREE people wanting to adopt both kittens! When it rains, it pours. I contacted the first one to ask and told her we only had the male left. She asked if she could come over immediately and pick him up. She lived an hour away but very much wanted a kitten to add to her cat family. I could tell she was a cat person as she came with a carrier lined with a blanket that all her current cats had slept on so Dunder could get used to the scent before he got to his new home. She also brought along her kitten, Abby, to go along with the ride and keep Dunder company. Another good match as Dunder and Abby got along immediately. Dunder was renamed Tony Dunder or Tony D. I heard back that he was investigating his new home, the other cats had shown him the litter box, and he definitely was not unhappy.
We miss the kitten but are glad they got good homes. We certainly didn't want to take them to the local shelter which means an almost certain demise. Marcella is still moping and looking for them. With our luck, she will probably acquire another temporary baby before long.
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