They have the run of our garage during the day and sleep in their kennel at night. Cats do tend to be nocturnal but the crashing and banging of things falling down during their 'games' isn't a little off putting in the dark of the night so they are confined to quarters.
If we didn't already have two cats, I'd love to keep them but . . . I also have a slight allergy to cat fur so have enough to deal with already with the house cats.
Besides racing along the beams in the garage, their other talent is heartfelt purring whenever they get a good ear scratch or petting. They are very curious so we always have to take a head count after getting someone out of the freezer or putting laundry in the washer or dryer!
We are hoping and praying someone who adores cats turns up and wants to give these babies a home together. The gray one is protective of the black one for some reason and the black one cries when the gray one isn't withing sight.