Well, 2013 has successfully dawned and I have neither broken nor started my resolution for this year yet. I will claim to be ahead of the game at this point!
The last couple of weeks got us all off schedule and I'm looking forward to resuming my projects and having a generally predictable time plan. I know, we make our plans but God makes it happen . . . or not. I'm sort of learning to be flexible!
Although I did pretty well on making Christmas gifts ahead of time in 2012, I'm starting even earlier so I don't sit there the night before Christmas and hurriedly finish up quilting and crocheting projects.
Lots of prayer required to see us through the coming year. While the government unsuccessfully deals with massive monatery math problems, we will see our taxes rise and the onset of obamacare hit our paychecks. More cost and less care as the math never has worked on that agenda.
We are praying for a change in the economy as two of my three college graduates still haven't found work. One of my children has to live and work in another country in order to even have a job.
We are trying to keep an optimistic view point but are cutting back on spending and making do. I wonder when the politicians will realize that when taxes go up, buying tends to go down which, basically, leaves things pretty much the same with no real improvement.
Anyway, we are starting the New Year, dressed in our Sunday best and attending Mass. No matter what the outcome of the year, God has blessed us with a new year to try and make better.