Although I do not really have a schedule, I do like to get certain things done during the day. We always start our morning off with daily Mass. I've heard some people say that attending the eight o'clock Mass disrupts the flow of the day. Personally, I like the fact that I have a good beginning to the day. If everything else goes wrong or doesn't get done according to MY specifications, I know that I checked in with God before it all started.
With older children heading back to college, I now have to get down to work on my youngest's lesson plans. I keep asking him for his books, he forgets to give me the books, and I forget to ask him again. Do you think we are both avoiding the issue?
Today, lesson plans WILL be prepared.
I got back into sewing after the hectic holidays. I made six Easter tote bags to sell on-line. I know that when my children were of the Easter basket stage, the 'worst' part of the Easter aftermath was the baskets. They didn't want to part with them and about three months down the road, beaten up baskets graced various parts of the house. I came up with the idea of Easter tote bags! They can hold an adequate amount of Easter goodies and have a side pocket for stashing a special coloring book or saint book for Easter. The best part is that even though they are floral and bright, they are not particularly labeled EASTER so can be used during the year. They would be fun for the children to use for bringing their little prayerbooks, Rosaries, and such to Mass thus freeing up mom's purse!
Crocheting has taken hold of me lately. I'm anxious to try a lacy poncho-type pattern but had to wait until I completed a baby blanket. Sigh . . . I love the idea of using a tiny crochet hook and fragile yarn until I'm a quarter of a way through the project and it takes so long! My creativity, sometimes, exceeds by patience.