Our two days of filling the gaping hole in the backyard soon became known as Dirt Day. What started out as a one-day project stretched into two, full days of hard work for my husband and his two helpers. Finally, however, around seven o'clock last night, it was complete, the job was done. After washing down the driveway and patio where they stomped through with a multitude of trips with wheelbarrows full of dirt, we got back to normal and the hole was no longer. My job was two scrub downs of the kitchen floor which had attracted a lot of the dirt as well as the sandy paws of our dog who had to stay in all day. You can see in the pictures that my son and his friend got a little weary by the end of it all. The dog was a bit upset because she left a bone at the bottom of the pool and refused to retrive it. I'm just hoping and praying she doesn't dig it up!