A place to share ideas on making a comfortable home. I do it through quilting, being faithful to my Faith, and caring for my family. Being a Catholic, sewing, and baking cookies are a few of my favorite things. I'm open to discussion!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Progress but no finish line . . .
Who would have thought that filling in a hole with the help of three people would take so long! The trio, my husband, son, and son's friend, have been going at it to the tune of about 80 wheelbarrow loads each since eight this morning. It is almost 7:30 in the evening and they are barely done. The worst part? When they are done, they are not done as we had to order another truckload of dirt. The estimate arrived at by both the company and my husband was off. Tomorrow, only one truckload is being delivered but I think the blisters earned today will soon remind the guys of what is ahead. Fortunately, it has been down in the 80's which is unusual and a blessing for sure.
The dog is confused. She always wants in the house and is usually outside. Today, she HAD to stay in the house and she wanted to be outside with the action. We did give her a break during lunch and she enjoyed checking out the smells that came with the new dirt.
Very Basic Chicken Soup
A young friend asked me how to make chicken soup so I wrote down the very basic recipe for her. I thought I'd share it here, too. Chicken soup is always welcoming and you don't have to rely on the canned soup with the soggy noodles.
6 chicken thighs
1 large onion, chopped
10 cloves of garlic, chopped
3 cans of chicken broth
2 cups water
2 16 ounce bags of frozen mixed vegetables
Salt and pepper
16 ounces elbow noodles
In a frying pan or pot with a cover, put in a tablespoon of vegetable oil, heat, and brown the chicken on both sides. Add the onion and garlic and cook some more until
they are slightly browned and tender. Pour in the broth, water, salt and pepper, cover and simmer for an hour. Strain the broth into another pot to get rid of the solids.
Cool the chicken slightly and pull off the meat and throw away the bones. Put the frozen vegetable in with the meat and chicken in the broth. Taste to see if you need
more salt or pepper. Simmer until it is hot.
Meanwhile, cook the noodles until just tender. Drain. Put a spoonful of noodles in each bowl and top with soup. Serve!
Ideas . . .
You can get fancy and finely chop some parsley or chives and sprinkle on each serving.
Sometimes, I sear a couple of boneless chicken breasts, dice them, and add them to the pot.
No, frozen vegetables. Nothing wrong with chopping up some fresh carrots and celery for your soup.
one-four of barley added and simmered until tender stretches out your meal and adds some extra fiber.
Dried onions are a reasonable substitute if you don't have a fresh one on hand.
My children like angel hair pasta in their soup. The choice of shape is open to choice!
A dash of poultry seasoning adds some extra flavor.
Potatoes instead of noodles/pasta is always a nice change.
Try Knee Mail!
The Maker of all human beings (GOD) is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary and central component of the heart.
This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent units. This defect has been technically termed "Sub-sequential Internal Non-Morality," or more commonly known as S.I.N., as it is primarily expressed.
Some of the symptoms include:
1. Loss of direction
2. Foul vocal emissions
3. Amnesia of origin
4. Lack of peace and joy
5. Selfish or violent behavior
6. Depression or confusion in the mental component
7. Fearfulness
8. Idolatry
9. Rebellion
The Manufacturer, who is neither liable nor at fault for this defect, is providing factory-authorized repair and service free of charge to correct this defect.
The Repair Technician, JESUS, has most generously offered to bear the entire burden of the staggering cost of these repairs. There is no additional fee required.
The number to call for repair in all areas is: P-R-A-Y-E-R.
Once connected, please upload your burden of SIN through the REPENTANCE procedure. Next, download ATONEMENT from the Repair Technician, Jesus, into the heart component.
No matter how big or small the SIN defect is, Jesus will replace it with:
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Patience
5. Kindness
6. Goodness
7. Faithfulness
8. Gentleness
9. Self control Please see the operating manual, the B.I.B.L.E.. (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) for further details on the use of these fixes.
WARNING: Continuing to operate the human being unit without correction voids any manufacturer warranties, exposing the unit to dangers and problems too numerous to list and will result in the human unit being permanently impounded. For free emergency service, call on Jesus.
DANGER: The human being units not responding to this recall action will have to be scrapped in the furnace. The SIN defect will not be permitted to enter Heaven so as to prevent contamination of that facility. Thank you for your attention!
P.S. Please assist where possible by notifying others of this important recall notice, and you may contact the Father any time by 'Knee mail'!
Because He Lives!
The Maker of all human beings (GOD) is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary and central component of the heart.
This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent units. This defect has been technically termed "Sub-sequential Internal Non-Morality," or more commonly known as S.I.N., as it is primarily expressed.
Some of the symptoms include:
1. Loss of direction
2. Foul vocal emissions
3. Amnesia of origin
4. Lack of peace and joy
5. Selfish or violent behavior
6. Depression or confusion in the mental component
7. Fearfulness
8. Idolatry
9. Rebellion
The Manufacturer, who is neither liable nor at fault for this defect, is providing factory-authorized repair and service free of charge to correct this defect.
The Repair Technician, JESUS, has most generously offered to bear the entire burden of the staggering cost of these repairs. There is no additional fee required.
The number to call for repair in all areas is: P-R-A-Y-E-R.
Once connected, please upload your burden of SIN through the REPENTANCE procedure. Next, download ATONEMENT from the Repair Technician, Jesus, into the heart component.
No matter how big or small the SIN defect is, Jesus will replace it with:
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Patience
5. Kindness
6. Goodness
7. Faithfulness
8. Gentleness
9. Self control Please see the operating manual, the B.I.B.L.E.. (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) for further details on the use of these fixes.
WARNING: Continuing to operate the human being unit without correction voids any manufacturer warranties, exposing the unit to dangers and problems too numerous to list and will result in the human unit being permanently impounded. For free emergency service, call on Jesus.
DANGER: The human being units not responding to this recall action will have to be scrapped in the furnace. The SIN defect will not be permitted to enter Heaven so as to prevent contamination of that facility. Thank you for your attention!
P.S. Please assist where possible by notifying others of this important recall notice, and you may contact the Father any time by 'Knee mail'!
Because He Lives!
Dirt Day has Arrived!
In case you haven't been following the blog the last few days, we have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of two truckloads of fill dirt to fill in an old pool in the backyard. Many delays and almost left off the delivery list today but here it is! As you can see from the pictures, my son and his friend are thrilled at the prospect. I heard some groaning coming from the backyard but was informed the boys were suffering from 'labor' pains. Do not feel too sorry for our slave labor as they are getting paid and the job includes pizza and chicken for lunch. I won't even dock the friend for having to drive him back home to get his work shoes rather than the church shoes he had accidently worn this morning.
Meanwhile, our dog is not happy about staying in the house and only getting to watch the excitement from the sliding door. Yes, she would stick around until she got bored (I'd give her about five minutes) and then she'd take off for more exciting adventures far from home.
Okay, my NEW favorite quote!
You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
Thoughts to Begin a New Week . . .
"Most of the change we think we see in life is due to truths being in and out of favor."
-- Robert Frost
-- Robert Frost
"There are grammatical errors even in his silence."
-- Stanislaw J. Lec
-- Stanislaw J. Lec
"Wine makes a man more pleased with himself; I do not say that it makes him more pleasing to others."
-- Samuel Johnson
-- Samuel Johnson
"A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is a visible labor and there is an invisible labor."
-- Victor Hugo
-- Victor Hugo
Sunday Afternoon Sewing . . .

My Sunday turned out to be relatively productive in the quilting department. Since my husband had to work, I had most of the afternoon to contemplate my fabric stash and start another project. I started out with a definite idea in mind and it evolved in a totally different direction! I decided to veer slightly away from my usual color palette and went with a more subdued color scheme. Okay, well, almost! The proposed border isn't featured in the picture.
Today, no sewing. It has finally arrived, the day we get that old pool hole in the garage filled in forever. In fact, I have to get the car out of the garage soon or the delivery of purchased dirt will block my way to pick up one of our helpers as well as the pizza for lunch!
I'm hoping to have time to film some of the 'action' and turn it into a funny movie putting in MY voice over which will probably not be a story of what is actually happening but an amusing viewpoint. Unwilling participants beware!
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