Looking back on yesterday from the much cooler standpoint of this morning, I can finally see the humor in our situation. As I've posted, after more years than I want to remember, we finally got a working air conditioning unit installed. We had been putting up with 90 degrees of heat and sweat
in the house for so long, we didn't realize what a difference comfort makes. We keep the temperature set at 82 degrees and when it is 108 outside (as in yesterday!), 82 in wonderfully okay.
I was busy preparing dinner with plans to bake it in the oven. Pots were simmering, dishes were piling up, and I had stopped to pay closer attention to a radio commentary when everything stopped. All the power just disappeared. We can always tell when it is a general power outage or just us with a blown fuse. A rather reclusive gentleman across the street appears when this happens and stands in front of his garage. I looked over and he was standing there so I knew a replaced fuse wasn't going to cure our problem. Yes, we had air conditioning. No, we were not cool!
It lasted for a couple of hours and I had to make changes in cooking methods. It was amusing at how I felt I was 'roughing' it because I couldn't use the rice cooker and I had to refigure how to cook an oven dinner on the stove. Complaining wouldn't change the time line of the power outage so I just coped and it all came together. By the time my husband got home from work, dinner was done and the power came back. Got to count one's blessings! I figured out how to turn the burners on without the use of the electric start and I didn't have t haul water from down by the creek . . . Not that we
have a creek!
The hot weather also brought out some creativity. My son was longing for some dessert that was chocolate and peanut butter. I baked (before power outage!) three, thin layers of sour cream chocolate cake. Then I whipped up some vanilla ice cream with peanut butter and a touch of orange extract. I filled the layers, topped it with the rest of the ice cream mixture and froze it. Since there is only half of it left, this morning, I'm thinking it was well received.