Much to our surprise, the mother of the discovered kittens turned out to the the rather fluffy-minded cat in the neighborhood. We kept trying to pawn off the kittens to Mrs. Black Cat who seems rather serious and careful and she kept rejecting them. Stubby kept lurking in the bushes and when we let the kittens toddle over her way, she started giving out motherly chirps. We managed to lure her into the house with some food and the kittens were very happy to see mom. Eventually, the paranoid Stubby, climbed into the box with the kittens and settled down to a mutually agreeable afternoon for all involved.
We are still trying to figure out what to do about a mother cat and kittens that do not belong to us! We don't want to just put the kittens out with Stubby as Stubby is a reforming feral cat and we don't need three more of them running around the neighborhood. You can't beat the deal we are offering for these delightful cats - free with our blessing!