One of my favorite treats is honeycomb candy. It is rather expensive in the store so I haven't had it in years. I was browsing through a magazine, today, and it flipped open to a recipe for that very, same candy! Since I was waiting for my daughter to get done with her haircut, couldn't access her purse for a pen/paper, I memorized the recipe but didn't get down all the steps. Hey, I was amazed to remember the ingredients but it sounds pretty straightforward.
The Ingredients
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
3 tablespoons corn syrup
1 tablespoon honey
2 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon baking soda
Basically, from what I can remember, you mix everything
except the baking soda in a good-sized pot as the mixture will boil up at the last stage.
Prepare a baking sheet with foil and vegetable oil spray it lightly.
Slowly cook the first four ingredients until they come together, stirring constantly. All that sugar would just love to burn. When the sugar is well-dissolved, bring to a rolling boil. Brush down the sides with a wet pastry brush to get rid of any sugar crystals. Return to a boil, add the baking soda now (It is supposed to really bubble up at this point!) and quickly stir just to incorporate, and pour onto your prepared baking sheet. Just let it spread. When it has set, about 30 minutes, you can crack it into pieces. I'm assuming you need to reach the 'hard-crack' stage in the candy-making language.
Not guaranteeing anything here as I've just given you what I quickly read and remembered. I'm going to try it as it isn't too big an investment in a fun experiement. I'm thinking that dipping the hardened pieces (assuming it hardens as hoped for!) in melted chocolate would be good.
Just sharing a moment so you take your chances here.