The weather forecast was for heavy rain, today . . . and it actually happened. In our area, the winds usually come up at the last minutes and there go the rain clouds. I did have the trip to take my son over to his college class but it was kind of nice to sit in the car and crochet and watch all the students racing through the rain . . . and I didn't have to! :-)
The weather certainly brings out some odd driving, however. Besides the usual people who decide that stop signs don't count in the rain, we found ourselves in the middle of a potential situation on our trip home. We were in the left-hand land of a two-lane turn off onto the freeway onramp. The ramp is a bit long until you get to the merging traffic and narrow with just enough room for the two lanes of cars heading that way. There is a car directly in front of us as we head down the ramp and an SUV in front of that car. There is a solid line of cars to our right. Suddenly, the SUV
turns and heads across the line of traffic! Fortunately, the car he crossed paths with was on the alert and slowed down. The SUV continued across, drove back up the ramp for a few feet, did another U-turn, and then drove down the embankment before making yet another turn and stopping. A second car skidded to a stop off the road and seemed to be making some kind of decision about the errant vehicle. Me and the rest of the 'normal' people on the onramp decided we would just get on our way
quickly and not get involved with whatever altercation was about to insue.
Coming home to a quiet house was very nice after that almost-adventure!
Cold day and hot soup is in order for dinner. I have a pot of Asian Chicken Soup simmering on the stove and just took brownies out of the oven. I had peanut butter frosting leftover from the Easter cupcake baking so they will get topped with that.
I'm hoping for some sewing time, today, but after the near-miss situation on the onramp this morning, I'm going to take the day as it comes and not sweat the small stuff!