A good friend posted this on her Facebook this morning. Another person, however, rejoiced in the fact that abortion was so available now compliments of our current administration. He said it was 'a great day for American women' to which I posted, "What about the unborn American women?" Quick with the liberal rhetoric, he came back with, "It is an individual choice, not yours or mine." That's true . . . shouldn't the baby have someone properly representing his/her choice? There are many cases of abortions 'not working out' and the baby survives . . . and fights with all it's might to live. To me that shows a choice on the part of the baby. If the baby is just a blob of tissue before hand and a viable human being who beat the odds and dodged the abortionist's ghastly skill, is it now a baby or just a blob of tissue living outside the womb? There are many cases of people now grown, intelligent, viable human beings who were once slated for the garbarge in the abortion clinic. How does a thinking person process this? Why does it seem so easy for some of us to see the potential in every unborn child while others condone the choice to kill the infant?