Two families 'wanted' the kittens and then changed their minds without telling us until we followed up on it. I wonder what God has planned for the people who dumped the kittens in another neighborhood for someone else to contend with and to free up their own, selfish lives?
We figure we have to do something soon as the kittens are getting attached to us (and we to them!), but we can't keep them. We already have a cat and two dogs and a house that we prefer to keep in order for humans. We kind of already know what we have to do but dread taking the kittens to the vet to be put down. Yes, we know it is a more humane way than taking them to the less than desirable animal shelter but knowing that we are signing them off is heartbreaking.
We are giving them another couple of weeks but their prospects seem bleak and we are very sad about this.