Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A beautiful testimony . . .


My new, favorite quilting pattern!

 Well, anyway, it is my favorite this week! The second picture shows the first part of the process for using the 'disappearing nine-patch' pattern. Disappearing? Because, as you can see from the top picture, the nine patches are not exactly there now. It is a fun pattern to sew and the only place I have to be careful about matching corners is between the two, small red squares in the center.  Very simple to do. After I sew together the nine patches, I cut the nine-patch square into quarters and then resew them together. There is room for much creativity and fun. I'm already thinking about how to use different colors and patterns for the next quilt!
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Great but mean commercial . . .

This was an inspired commercial but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have liked being one of the 'stars' in this ad!
