Monday, September 5, 2011

Television shows get you knee-deep in filth . . .

My husband and I found a television series on Netflix and decided to watch it while we relaxed after the busy day. The first episode was mildly amusing. Something about a wealthy man owning a radio station who is clueless to what's going on. He hires a new station manager, has the new station manager fire the old station manager, and then lets him contend with the woman who thought she was next in line for the station manager job. Between this ongoing competition between the new station manager and the woman, the show was sprinkled with several other characters which kind of cluttered up the story line, such as it was. We were amazed, however, to find a relatively recent sitcom that wasn't full of sex and language.

We watched the second episode thinking it would be sort of interesting to see how the story line unfolds. Well, within minutes of the beginning of the second episode, the station manager and the woman in competition are having an affair and the 'humor' was them trying to keep their relationship a secret. Besides reducing an already weak show to smutty and stupid, it was such a sad commentary on our world today. This couple put rabbits to shame in their constant pursuit of each other. This was supposed to be funny?

It seems that when writers can't come up with a joke, they fall back on sexual events in the show to get that laugh. Needless to say, we are not going to even see what happens in episode three but what about the young teens and young adults who think that this kind of behavior is okay? What happened to self respect?

I guess that until the world stands up and demands decent programming and the writers go back to school to learn how to use words productively without resorting to gutter humor, we can certainly limit our television viewing.

On an even more disasterous note, I heard on the news that some television station is being sued to remove a new show from the line up. It is something about the Play Boy Mansion. The reason for suing? The complainers think it is too sexist! Not immoral but sexist! Wow, woman's lib has certainly changed women's lives . . . but not to any betterment.

Lightening the Monday Gloom . . .

"The only sure thing about luck is that it will change."
-- Bret Harte

"Why shouldn't things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together."
-- George Santayana

"Why does the Air Force need expensive new bombers? Have the people we've been bombing over the years been complaining?"
-- George Wallace

"I am not in this world to live up to other people's expectations, nor do I feel that the world must live up to mine."
-- Fritz Perls