I spent the afternoon sewing and enjoying the fact that I had the time, money, and interest to pursue a favorite hobby. It also gives me time to ponder stuff as my sewing machine does the hard part!
I listen to various radio stations, as I sew, and the pronouncements from our government get more and more wearisome each day. It doesn't sound like stuff you'd expect to hear from a strong, supportive government. It doesn't really reflect the desiress of the people who put the politicians into office. Something has gone wrong here.
Interesting, however, that when people voice concern, the opposition say we are being radical even as they initiate radical legislation that is sure to change our lives. Some people just don't know which side their bread is buttered on and I'm hoping the justifiable anger of the people will keep it strength right up to the November elections. So far, many of the politicians seem to believe they are beyond reproach and can make laws THEY want to see enacted, laws that won't effect their exalted status.
I have to wonder, however, about the latest news that we will be cutting back on our military weapons as an example to other nations. Huh? If I were an enemy of the United States and heard the US was scaling back, I'd be MORE prone to upping my nuclear production in hopes of a destructive takeover. You gotta wonder whose side our own government is supporting.
Good thing I have prayer and quilting to get me through this distressing news. You gotta wonder about our world today!