The minute the new Pope made an appearance, I wondered if anyone would be putting together a machine embroidery pattern. A quick Google search found one that was only okay and they were charging five dollars. I didn't need one
that badly! Today, I was browsing embroidery sites and came across this pattern . . . for
free! My kind of discount. Of course, I had to immediately download it to the sewing machine and give it a try. It was a dense pattern with over 76,000 stitches and took two hours. Naturally, I didn't have to sit there while the machine did its work. I always try to second-guess the machine and if I sit there and watch it work, I'm sure to yelp with dismay when it seems the machine doesn't know what it is doing . . . but it always does once the project is finished. I'm happy with my first attempt. I'm thinking of doing another one only with sepia tints to give it that old photograph look.