I have to admit that these two kittens are a feisty, cute pair of cats. I contrived a couple of hammocks to hang along the top of their kennel to give them more play area at the bottom of the kennel. They are like monkeys as they jump, climb, and slam around the cage. They are very alert . . . just leave the door ajar and you are soon hunting down shadow cats - now you see them, now you don't!
Escaped kittens have met their match, however, as our resident house cat, Marcella, only puts up with them in the corner of the kitchen. They step outside that limit and she chases them back into their assigned space. She is serious. They think she is great fun.
We hope to find homes for them soon. We would hate to have to take them to the animal shelter as cats are mostly put down due to overcrowding. It would be nice if more people would take responsibility for their pets and not abandon them in other people's neighborhoods.