The news seldom brings encouragement these days. Lies and deceit are the norm from the majority of our politicians. Hardly an election goes by that there isn't some kind of scandal presented to either expose or depose a candidate. The television condones all kinds of immoral behavior and gets the ratings. Yet, we bemoan the demise of the nation that was founded on Christian, moral behavior. Who are we to blame? How do these terrible politician gets into office and promote these ungodly interpretations of the laws of the land.
Seems to me that we don't have to look any further than the pews of our churches to find the culprits. Last I read, over 50% of the Catholic vote put the current administration into office. A vote is a sanction and approval of the politician. We have an administration that is for all the immoral behaviors that are in opposition to our Christian codes of behavior. Why do people who should know what their religion stands for vote in disregard to Godly ways?
I have been disrespected more than a few times by fellow Christians in the pew for my narrow-minded view of the last two elections. Even the wife of a deacon, who you would think have a better understanding, told me that although they, personally, didn't vote for the current president, they rejoiced that the American people came together so joyfully to cast the vote for his 'historic' election. Behind her, in the booklet rack at the church resided a pamphlet for voting and it did not name names on who to vote for but what kind of person should be honored with our vote so that we stay on the side of Christian behavior. These are called 'non-negotiable' in deciding our vote. Obviously, she as well as a great many others of the Christians persuasion, did not read or take this information to heart. In other words, they voted as a political party, first, and a Christians, second. When you put your Faith on the back burner, you can't expect God to pick up the slack.
We now face discrimination as Christians. The new health plan, besides ruining many peoples life and income, makes everyone support abortion and contraception no matter what their faith may tell them. We have no option. We have to 'tolerate' everyone's choices even if it infringes on more moral choices. As a very wise woman in England stated on the news recently - God is not a tolerant God, he is a long-suffering God.
Seems that the next time anyone wants to complain about the state of our country and world, we have only one group to blame - the Christians and Catholics who voted for the moment, for politics, for the false hopes and not for God.