If anyone is interested, I am trying to consolidate cookie recipes under a new yahoo group and you can subscribe by:
If you decide to join, please join in and submit your own favorite cookie recipes
A place to share ideas on making a comfortable home. I do it through quilting, being faithful to my Faith, and caring for my family. Being a Catholic, sewing, and baking cookies are a few of my favorite things. I'm open to discussion!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Lamb and Yam - it works!
We found a boneless leg of lamb on sale this week. I was browsing through some recipes on the Internet to see if I could find something a bit different to do with it. I also got some fresh yams and decided to Google and see if lamb would go with yams and was surprised to find an abundance of recipes for the combination. One recipe stood out and I plan to try it next payday when I can come by some ground lamb for it. I'm including the link as the recipe has an interesting story and gives one hope that even people who don't care for yams/sweet potatoes might find it appealing.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Should make everyone take their vote seriously in November . . .
You have to wonder about a president that needs to try and bypass the checks and balances system in our Democracy. Numbers don't lie especially if they are of record.
Teddy Roosevelt 3
Others to FDR NONE
FDR 11 in 16 years
Truman 5 in 7 years
Ike 2 in 8 years
Kennedy 4 in 3 years
LBJ 4 in 5 years
Nixon 1 in 6 years
Ford 3 in 2 years
Carter 3 in 4 years
Reagan 5 in 8 years
Bush 3 in 4 years
Clinton 15 in 8 years
George W. Bush 62 in 8 years
Obama 923 in 3 1/2 years!
Teddy Roosevelt 3
Others to FDR NONE
FDR 11 in 16 years
Truman 5 in 7 years
Ike 2 in 8 years
Kennedy 4 in 3 years
LBJ 4 in 5 years
Nixon 1 in 6 years
Ford 3 in 2 years
Carter 3 in 4 years
Reagan 5 in 8 years
Bush 3 in 4 years
Clinton 15 in 8 years
George W. Bush 62 in 8 years
Obama 923 in 3 1/2 years!
Soy isn't all that it is supposed to be . . .
We avoid soy products as they have an adverse effect on my husband's health. In doing so, it is amazing to find out how many places it shows up these days. Check the labels when you go shopping! It is an eye opener.
Quotes with smiles and truth all in one!
"Few things are more satisfying than seeing your own children have
teenagers of their own."
-- Doug Larson
-- Doug Larson
"Is fuel efficiency really what we need most desperately? I say
that what we really need is a car that can be shot when it breaks down."
-- Russell Baker
-- Russell Baker
"When someone tells you something defies description, you can be
pretty sure he's going to have a go at it anyway."
-- Clyde B. Aster
-- Clyde B. Aster
"It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day
-- Margaret Bonnano
-- Margaret Bonnano
Friday, September 28, 2012
Gift of Prayer from Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke
By His Eminence Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke,
Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura
O Lord Jesus Christ,
You alone are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
In Your Church You show us the Way,
You teach us the Truth, and You give us Your Life.
Grant, we humbly beg You,
that, always and in all things, we may
be faithful to You in Your Holy Church,
and to Your Vicar on Earth, the Supreme Pontiff,
Pope Benedict XVI.
Grant also, we beg You,
that, in these times of decision,
all who profess to be Catholic
and who are entrusted with the sacred duty
to participate in public life,
may, by the strength of Your grace,
unwaveringly follow Your Way and
faithfully adhere to Your Truth,
living in You with all their mind and heart,
for Your greater glory, the salvation of souls,
and the good of our nation. Amen.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of America,
Pray for us.
Saint Thomas More, Patron of Religious Freedom,
Pray for us.
By His Eminence Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke,
Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura
O Lord Jesus Christ,
You alone are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
In Your Church You show us the Way,
You teach us the Truth, and You give us Your Life.
Grant, we humbly beg You,
that, always and in all things, we may
be faithful to You in Your Holy Church,
and to Your Vicar on Earth, the Supreme Pontiff,
Pope Benedict XVI.
Grant also, we beg You,
that, in these times of decision,
all who profess to be Catholic
and who are entrusted with the sacred duty
to participate in public life,
may, by the strength of Your grace,
unwaveringly follow Your Way and
faithfully adhere to Your Truth,
living in You with all their mind and heart,
for Your greater glory, the salvation of souls,
and the good of our nation. Amen.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of America,
Pray for us.
Saint Thomas More, Patron of Religious Freedom,
Pray for us.
More Christmas Stockings?
Victorian overtones?
Yet another set of Christmas stockings!
More Christmas Stockings!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Much-needed laughs . . .
"Babies are cool, until you've done everything to do with 'em and
you get bored. That's why T.V. shows about babies don't last more than a year."
-- Gregory Thomas Garcia, Alan Kirschenbaum
-- Gregory Thomas Garcia, Alan Kirschenbaum
"A good listener is usually thinking about something else."
-- Kin Hubbard
-- Kin Hubbard
"Irrigation of the land with seawater desalinated by fusion power
is ancient. It's called 'rain'."
-- Michael McClary
-- Michael McClary
"'Tis an ill wind that blows no minds."
-- Malaclypse the Younger
-- Malaclypse the Younger
Holiday sewing . . .

Herbert, the fish that would . . .

Wednesday, September 26, 2012
I do!
"Ladies take into consideration that as little girls we played house, now as a woman why would you want to go back to playing house with someone who although looks like a man is still clearly a little boy. A real man will wait to ask you to live with him until he has gotten all dressed up in a fancy suit and danced with you in a pretty white dress after saying those two little words that bind you in a lifetime commitment."
A beautiful story!
On September 11, 2001, a hijacked plane knifed into the side of the Pentagon. We all know that. What very few people have heard is shortly afterwards, the director of a nursery in the building stood looking at the children in her charge, wondering how to move all of the babies and toddlers to safety.
A marine rushed into the room and asked if she was alright. She needed help and she told him that. He turned and ran out; the woman assumed that he had gone away for good. As she formulated a plan of action, she heard footsteps in the hall.
The man had returned—this time, though, he was not alone. At least forty other Marines followed him. They picked up the babies in their cribs, the toddlers, the helpless infants. They carried them through the halls and to a nearby park, where they arranged the cribs in a circle and set the toddlers in the middle. Then they stood guard outside, never allowing the children to be unattended.
When I first saw this picture, I thought that the man carrying the children was their father. Now I realize that he was not related to them by blood, but by nationality. He is an American. They are American children. He is not their father, he is their protector. He’s a United States Marine. —
A marine rushed into the room and asked if she was alright. She needed help and she told him that. He turned and ran out; the woman assumed that he had gone away for good. As she formulated a plan of action, she heard footsteps in the hall.
The man had returned—this time, though, he was not alone. At least forty other Marines followed him. They picked up the babies in their cribs, the toddlers, the helpless infants. They carried them through the halls and to a nearby park, where they arranged the cribs in a circle and set the toddlers in the middle. Then they stood guard outside, never allowing the children to be unattended.
When I first saw this picture, I thought that the man carrying the children was their father. Now I realize that he was not related to them by blood, but by nationality. He is an American. They are American children. He is not their father, he is their protector. He’s a United States Marine. —
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Can one be Christian AND a true Democrat?
IS very interesting!
Rev. Austin Miles
Carolina (9/11/12) When the DNC came to Charlotte, area churches, 100 of them,
offered hospitality, not knowing how much the Dems hate God and would actually
boo God at the convention. They had no idea how that hatred would be directed at
them and their churches.
Sunday before the DNC, over 9000 people had come together to pray for the
convention. Then, wanting to extend hospitality to the visitors to their city,
56 of the churches set out to “Adopt-a-Delegation.”
put together gift baskets featuring Carolina Pralines and a letter welcoming
them to the city and offering assistance in transportation, childcare or
spiritual matters.
According to writer,
Todd Starnes, The DNC banned the churches from distributing the gift baskets to
delegates because, DNC said, the congregations hold values that are contrary to
the party platform. Read that carefully.
Benham, one of the organizers of the outreach said, “We were just trying to
display Southern hospitality.” DNC officials, however, conveyed to city leaders
that the Christians would not be allowed to present their gift baskets.
the Charlotte Mayor’s office jumped in to tell the churches not to participate,
saying that their views on women’s rights are contrary to the platform. That’s
right….the same platform that booed God later.
Benham then asked if
they could send welcome letters to the delegates. Again, the DNC refused,
because, they said, “The churches hold pro-life values.”
baskets did not contain a single political or pro-life message. They just wanted
to give them regional candles and a welcome letter. The DNC refused to return
numerous phone calls seeking comment.
it gets worse. When a gathering of 200 Muslims showed up to pray for the
convention, the Dems welcomed them with open arms and the liberal media gave
extensive national coverage.
It is
ironic that this day, in the shadow of that Islamic prayer event, we commemorate
the greatest tragedy in American History, when Muslims attacked
America on September 11, 2001,
brutally killing thousands.of innocent people.
Muslims who publicly
state their hatred of our country with fierce determination to kill us all and
put America under Sharia Law, are welcomed by the Democratic Party while
Christians are pushed out of sight like criminals because they respect life and
hold family values.
are the same democrats who want you to vote them into office to direct the
United States of
America and every life from beginning to end.
It is obvious that we must not let this happen.
thanks to Rev. Ed Berkey (retired) who alerted this story.
Austin Miles
Cereal Cookies
When my children were growing up, I often had to hide the 'good stuff' in items I knew they would eat. I almost always made the cookies they enjoyed and it gave me plenty of hiding places! One of my favorite ways was incorporating vitamin-enriched or high-fiber cereals in the cookies. They enjoyed the crunch and I relished the secret!
Cereal Cookies
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 1/4 cup solid shortening
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup brown sugar, packed
1 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 cup dried cranberries or raisins
2 cups shredded coconut
2 cups of your favorite unsweetened breakfast cereal
1/4 cup chopped nuts
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Either vegetable oil spray baking sheets or line them with parchment paper.
Stir together the first four ingredients.
In a mixing bowl, cream the shortening and sugars until light and fluffy. Add the eggs and vanilla, mixing in well. Stir in the rest of the ingredients.
Drop by teaspoonfuls about 1 1/2 inches apart on prepared baking sheets. Bake in preheated oven for approximately minutes or until lightly brown. Let set on baking sheets for a minute before moving them to finish cooling on racks.
Ideas . . .
Yes, you can reduce the dried fruit and add some chocolate chips.
Two teaspoons of freshly-grated citrus zest sparks up the taste.
Dip half the cookie in melted chocolate chips and let set on waxed paper.
Drizzle with a lemon glaze.
Cereal Cookies
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 1/4 cup solid shortening
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup brown sugar, packed
1 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 cup dried cranberries or raisins
2 cups shredded coconut
2 cups of your favorite unsweetened breakfast cereal
1/4 cup chopped nuts
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Either vegetable oil spray baking sheets or line them with parchment paper.
Stir together the first four ingredients.
In a mixing bowl, cream the shortening and sugars until light and fluffy. Add the eggs and vanilla, mixing in well. Stir in the rest of the ingredients.
Drop by teaspoonfuls about 1 1/2 inches apart on prepared baking sheets. Bake in preheated oven for approximately minutes or until lightly brown. Let set on baking sheets for a minute before moving them to finish cooling on racks.
Ideas . . .
Yes, you can reduce the dried fruit and add some chocolate chips.
Two teaspoons of freshly-grated citrus zest sparks up the taste.
Dip half the cookie in melted chocolate chips and let set on waxed paper.
Drizzle with a lemon glaze.
King of the USA?
It took the United States over 200 years to reach this day and time. Every star and stripe on our flag means something. Each star represents an individual state that together makes our country. We are individuals with a common purpose . . . to maintain our freedom yet live in harmony. That kind of peace has to come more or less naturally. When one person takes over control of how that is to come about without the consensus of the others, we have unrest.
For his campaign for re-election, the current president has designed his own 'american' flag and dismissed the blood, sweat, and tears that put each and every one of those fifty stars on our flag and now the incumbent has as a symbol of his campaign a flag with his political insignia instead of those fifty stars. The stripes are 'artistically' frayed at the edges but, in actuality, it is more truth than design.
So many events have happened in the last four years that bring a lot of fear to many hearts. The push for the health care plan that was presented with lies, objected to by over 60% of the population, yet passed into law in spite of this supposedly being a Democracy. The powers that be that put this horror into place, however, are exempted from this plan. Makes you wonder.
Then, the president decided that conscience doesn't count and Catholics would have to fore go their religion and join in the mass killing of babies through abortion and contraception. We clearly are allowed freedom of religion . . . except where the president deems it not to be in his interests.
We get news of the recent upheaval in the Arab countries but rumor has it that more is going in with protests, etc. than is being allowed into the press. A representative of our country was brutally murdered and we find out that the embassy was insufficiently protected. The president kept blaming a video even after it was determined that it was a 9/11 planned event. An attack on American soil is considered a declaration of war and the American embassies are considered America. Instead of taking up he gauntlet in support of his country, the president works at appeasing the culprits and reducing the severity of the problem.
I think the new flag for his campaign shows the fact that he doesn't consider us fellow citizens but minions to do his bidding by way of his many executive orders and agendas. In claiming that we have not been the ones to build our lives and businesses, he leaves the option for takeover either by taxation or excessive regulations. Meanwhile, his wife is putting her nose into all the pots, pans, and refrigerators of the country and trying to tell us what we can and can't eat.
It has been acknowledged that we are, indeed, in trying times but all just have to tighten our belts like the first family probably did so on their 16-plus vacations paid for by our tax dollars.
The flag is just the 'political icing' on the the cake as it is egotistical but, if re-elected, he knows he has set the bar for just about anything he wants to inflict on this country.
For his campaign for re-election, the current president has designed his own 'american' flag and dismissed the blood, sweat, and tears that put each and every one of those fifty stars on our flag and now the incumbent has as a symbol of his campaign a flag with his political insignia instead of those fifty stars. The stripes are 'artistically' frayed at the edges but, in actuality, it is more truth than design.
So many events have happened in the last four years that bring a lot of fear to many hearts. The push for the health care plan that was presented with lies, objected to by over 60% of the population, yet passed into law in spite of this supposedly being a Democracy. The powers that be that put this horror into place, however, are exempted from this plan. Makes you wonder.
Then, the president decided that conscience doesn't count and Catholics would have to fore go their religion and join in the mass killing of babies through abortion and contraception. We clearly are allowed freedom of religion . . . except where the president deems it not to be in his interests.
We get news of the recent upheaval in the Arab countries but rumor has it that more is going in with protests, etc. than is being allowed into the press. A representative of our country was brutally murdered and we find out that the embassy was insufficiently protected. The president kept blaming a video even after it was determined that it was a 9/11 planned event. An attack on American soil is considered a declaration of war and the American embassies are considered America. Instead of taking up he gauntlet in support of his country, the president works at appeasing the culprits and reducing the severity of the problem.
I think the new flag for his campaign shows the fact that he doesn't consider us fellow citizens but minions to do his bidding by way of his many executive orders and agendas. In claiming that we have not been the ones to build our lives and businesses, he leaves the option for takeover either by taxation or excessive regulations. Meanwhile, his wife is putting her nose into all the pots, pans, and refrigerators of the country and trying to tell us what we can and can't eat.
It has been acknowledged that we are, indeed, in trying times but all just have to tighten our belts like the first family probably did so on their 16-plus vacations paid for by our tax dollars.
The flag is just the 'political icing' on the the cake as it is egotistical but, if re-elected, he knows he has set the bar for just about anything he wants to inflict on this country.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Mark Twain said it!
is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral
courage so rare.
- Mark Twain
Chocolate Molasses Cookies
This is an interesting combination that really works as it pleases the chocolate fiend in the family but gives off a holiday scent with the molasses. It is a rolled out cookie which works best with a basic, round cutter.
Chocolate Molasses Cookies
1 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 cup molasses
1 large egg
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 teaspoons grated orange zest (optional)
3 cups all-purpose flour
Pinch of salt
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Either vegetable oil spray baking sheets or line with parchment paper.
Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add in the molasses, egg, vanilla, cinnamon, and zest and mix well.
Mix together the flour and cocoa and blend into the creamed mixture with a spoon. Chill the dough for about an hour to make it easier to work with.
On a lightly-floured surface, roll out the dough to about 1/4th inch thick. Cut into desired shapes with cookie cutters. Place about 1/2 inch apart on prepared baking sheets.
Bake for approximately 8-10 minutes. Remove to cool on racks. When cool glaze with an orange or vanilla icing.
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Enough cream or milk to form a glaze.
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon orange extract
Enough fresh orange or lemon juice to form a glaze.
Chocolate Molasses Cookies
1 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 cup molasses
1 large egg
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 teaspoons grated orange zest (optional)
3 cups all-purpose flour
Pinch of salt
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Either vegetable oil spray baking sheets or line with parchment paper.
Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add in the molasses, egg, vanilla, cinnamon, and zest and mix well.
Mix together the flour and cocoa and blend into the creamed mixture with a spoon. Chill the dough for about an hour to make it easier to work with.
On a lightly-floured surface, roll out the dough to about 1/4th inch thick. Cut into desired shapes with cookie cutters. Place about 1/2 inch apart on prepared baking sheets.
Bake for approximately 8-10 minutes. Remove to cool on racks. When cool glaze with an orange or vanilla icing.
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Enough cream or milk to form a glaze.
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon orange extract
Enough fresh orange or lemon juice to form a glaze.
Arsenic in our food?
This is a worrying report. I knew there was minute levels of arsenic in just about everything but this article does raise some concerns.
Prayer and it's importance . . .
“Virtues are formed by prayer.
Prayer preserves temperance.
Prayer suppresses anger.
Prayer prevents emotions of pride and envy.
Prayer draws into the soul the Holy Spirit, and raises man to Heaven.”
~St Ephraem
Prayer preserves temperance.
Prayer suppresses anger.
Prayer prevents emotions of pride and envy.
Prayer draws into the soul the Holy Spirit, and raises man to Heaven.”
~St Ephraem
The Various Stages of Comfort - cat style!

Our Trip to the HIgh Desert . . .

Miss Stubby Returns!
My huband is looking forward to now not having a group of cats congregating in our yard. We can go back to our one cat/one dog family.
Hypocrisy and where is the media on this?
Paradoxical Quote of The Day
From Ben Stein:
"Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen."
Now add this, "Many of those who refuse, or are unable, to prove they are citizens will receive free insurance paid for by those who are forced to buy insurance because they are citizens."
"Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen."
Now add this, "Many of those who refuse, or are unable, to prove they are citizens will receive free insurance paid for by those who are forced to buy insurance because they are citizens."
Something to think about . . . obama's Mandate
The Catholic
Church is the oldest Christian religion in the world.
When the Catholic
Church was founded, there were no hospitals. Today, one out of five people in
this country receive their medical care at a Catholic
When the Catholic
Church was founded, there were no schools. Today, the Catholic Church teaches 3
million students a day, in its more than 250 Catholic Colleges and Universities, in its more than 1200
High Schools and its more
than 5000 Catholic grade schools.
Every day, the
Catholic Church feeds, clothes, shelters and educates more people than any other
organization in the world.
The new Obama
Health Mandate could end all this and the tax payers would have to make up the
Also, all Catholic
adoption services would come to an end. A human disaster.
There are more
than 77 million Catholics in this country. It takes an estimated 50 million
Catholic votes to elect a president. I am asking all of you to go to the polls
and be united in replacing our present president with a president that will
respect the Catholic Church, all Christians, and all Religions besides
Mr President, you
said, "The USA is not a Christian Nation".
You are wrong we are a Christian Nation founded on Judeo-Christian values allowing all religions in
Sunday, September 23, 2012
We need a smile and these quotes provide that . . .
"I can't understand why a person will take a year to write a novel
when he can easily buy one for a few dollars."
-- Fred Allen
-- Fred Allen
"Life isn't fair. It's just fairer than death, that's all."
-- William Goldman
-- William Goldman
"The difference between a violin and a viola is that a viola burns
-- Victor Borge
-- Victor Borge
"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds
new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny ...'"
-- Isaac Asimov
-- Isaac Asimov
Holiday Cookie Recipe - Bar Cookies!
When you share cookie recipes alphabetically, bar cookies cover a lot of ground! You will probably find some 'bar' cookies listed under their basic ingredients as well as under bar. I keep wanting to put together a cookie baking book and that thought is a bit daunting trying to figure out how to list them! Anyway, here is a not super-sweet cookie that makes a nice contrast to the cookie plate and goes well as a snack with a much-needed cup of coffee on a busy day.
Cinnamon Oatmeal Bars
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
23 cup brown sugar, packed
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2/3 cup rolled oats (give them a spin in the food processor or blender to break them down a bit)
1 cup butter
Place all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Fingers or a pastry blender work equally well at turning the mixture into a crumbly texture.
In a jelly roll pan (15 1/2 x 10 1/2 x 1-inch pan), lined with parchment paper or vegetable oil sprayed, press the dough evenly into place. I find that starting from the middle and working my way out is helpful. If the dough is sticky, dust your fingertips with a bit of flour.
Bake in a preheated 300 degree oven 40-45 minutes or until deep, golden brown. Cut into bars while still hot and leave in the pan to cool.
Cinnamon Oatmeal Bars
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
23 cup brown sugar, packed
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2/3 cup rolled oats (give them a spin in the food processor or blender to break them down a bit)
1 cup butter
Place all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Fingers or a pastry blender work equally well at turning the mixture into a crumbly texture.
In a jelly roll pan (15 1/2 x 10 1/2 x 1-inch pan), lined with parchment paper or vegetable oil sprayed, press the dough evenly into place. I find that starting from the middle and working my way out is helpful. If the dough is sticky, dust your fingertips with a bit of flour.
Bake in a preheated 300 degree oven 40-45 minutes or until deep, golden brown. Cut into bars while still hot and leave in the pan to cool.
Missing cat!
As one would figure, once we got 'parents' for our three, stray cats, one goes missing. Okay, he was a very cute, half-grown cat and probably found himself a home. We kept an eye on the area and didn't find and dead cats so are assuming the best. Okay, fine, we will have two cats for the prospective foster family. Naturally, Miss Stubby goes AWOL this morning. If she doesn't show up in the next hour, we may end up with another trip to the desert tomorrow! I guess when you ask for intercession in our prayers, God makes us work for it. The other cat came in the house this morning and is full and happily sleeping in the cat carrier in the kitchen.
Fresh, the cat of the hour, is more than ready to be a part of a stable home with food and water and toys at his beck and call. Of course, there are already six cats in residence but he is a friendly fellow and should incorporate himself into the lifestyle without too many problems. He likes food, he likes petting, and he likes fresh water - he'll happily find his niche there . . . we hope!
We will miss the little guy but our cat would wear him out. Marcela loves it when he visits only she also loves hanging on to his leg or neck by way of her teeth. They are both exhausted after an hour of play time.
Within the hour, we set out for 29 Palms which is in the desert. I've never been out that way so am taking the camera for any interesting pictures. I've seen Fresh's new home and the yard is large and all sand! I would guess that they have to be careful of the water supply in the desert and a green lawn would come down low on the list of necessities. No problem as James (the new owner) says all his cats are indoor babies and much spoiled.
Fresh, the cat of the hour, is more than ready to be a part of a stable home with food and water and toys at his beck and call. Of course, there are already six cats in residence but he is a friendly fellow and should incorporate himself into the lifestyle without too many problems. He likes food, he likes petting, and he likes fresh water - he'll happily find his niche there . . . we hope!
We will miss the little guy but our cat would wear him out. Marcela loves it when he visits only she also loves hanging on to his leg or neck by way of her teeth. They are both exhausted after an hour of play time.
Within the hour, we set out for 29 Palms which is in the desert. I've never been out that way so am taking the camera for any interesting pictures. I've seen Fresh's new home and the yard is large and all sand! I would guess that they have to be careful of the water supply in the desert and a green lawn would come down low on the list of necessities. No problem as James (the new owner) says all his cats are indoor babies and much spoiled.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Works for me!
want my children to have all the things I couldn't afford. Then I want to move
in with them.
- Phyllis Diller
Friday, September 21, 2012
Yet someone always believes it can work . . .
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.Winston Churchill
Miss Stubby's extended day at the vet . . .
At the office, we filled out forms and soon went in to see the doctor. She got Bold out of the carrier and he actually let her cuddle him and check his vitals. He made no objection when she took him into the next room for tests.
. . . Then she tried to remove Miss Stubby from the carrier and all the sweet, Southern charm the cat seems to exude disappeared. The doctor took the entire carrier into the next room where she had assistance it dealing with the cat. Fifteen minutes later, she comes back and hands us the carrier and said Miss Stubby had escaped and the time had been spent chasing her up and down the halls. We decided all around that getting her medically sleepy wasn't a bad idea at all. When we picked her up, later, the doctor said that coming out of the drugs, she was actually a sweet cat!
Both Stubby and Bold are back home here. Bold was happy to be home and played with our cat before having a special lunch and going outside to play. When we brought Miss Stubby home, she ate a bite of food, ignored any offered petting, and demanded to go outside. Sigh . . . Just one, more trip for the pair when we take them to their new home . . . which is two hours away. It's just going to seem longer!
Brownies a l'orange . . .
After mint, orange is my favorite flavor in something chocolate. And, what better way to enjoy this combination than with a fudgy brownie. Continuing with the 'B' alphabet of holiday baking . . .
Brownies a l'Orange . . .
2 ounces unsweetened baking chocolate
1/2 cup or 1 stick butter
2 large eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon orange extract
1/2 tablespoon freshly grated orange zest
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
Pinch of salt
1 cup toasted and chopped walnuts
Grease or vegetable oil spray a 8-inch square baking pan. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Melt together the chocolate and butter. Let cool. In a large mixing bowl combine the eggs and sugar and whisk together until thoroughly mixed. Mix in the butter, chocolate, extracts, salt, and orange zest. Stir in the flour and nuts. Spread into the prepared pan.
Bake at 350 degrees for about 20-25 minutes. Cut into preferred sized portions and finish cooling in the pan. Recipe doubles nicely.
Ideas . . .
For a festive look, an orange glaze and some colorful sprinkles would be pretty.
While the brownies are still warm from the oven, scatter chocolate chips, let soften, spread as for icing and sprinkle with finely chopped nuts.
Brownies a l'Orange . . .
2 ounces unsweetened baking chocolate
1/2 cup or 1 stick butter
2 large eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon orange extract
1/2 tablespoon freshly grated orange zest
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
Pinch of salt
1 cup toasted and chopped walnuts
Grease or vegetable oil spray a 8-inch square baking pan. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Melt together the chocolate and butter. Let cool. In a large mixing bowl combine the eggs and sugar and whisk together until thoroughly mixed. Mix in the butter, chocolate, extracts, salt, and orange zest. Stir in the flour and nuts. Spread into the prepared pan.
Bake at 350 degrees for about 20-25 minutes. Cut into preferred sized portions and finish cooling in the pan. Recipe doubles nicely.
Ideas . . .
For a festive look, an orange glaze and some colorful sprinkles would be pretty.
While the brownies are still warm from the oven, scatter chocolate chips, let soften, spread as for icing and sprinkle with finely chopped nuts.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Trying out a new sewing pattern . . .
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Prayer Intention of Pope Benedict . . .
The Holy Father's September 2012 prayer intention is particularly poignant: "That politicians may always act with honesty, integrity, and love for the truth."
Butterscotch Lemon Walnut Bars
Still going through the 'B' list for cookie recipes although they are all A+ in taste! These are a fast, easy bar cookie that tastes just great and their humble appearance provides a tasty surprise.
Butterscotch Lemon Walnut Bars
2 1/4 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
1 cup butter
2 large eggs
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon freshly grated orange zest
1 teaspoon orange extract
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup toasted and chopped walnuts
Melt together the sugar and butter until sugar dissolves. Cool.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Either vegetable oil spray a baking sheet with sides (aka jelly roll pan) or line with parchment paper.
Add the eggs to the butter/sugar mixture and beat until well combined.
Add the flour, baking powder, and salt to the egg/butter/sugar and mix well. Stir in the zest, extracts, and walnuts.
Spread evenly into the prepared pan. Bake for approximately 20-25 minutes or until the cookie is a pale brown and a slight dent is left when you press the top gently. Remove from oven and cool on a wire rack. Cut while still very warm into your desired size.
Butterscotch Lemon Walnut Bars
2 1/4 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
1 cup butter
2 large eggs
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon freshly grated orange zest
1 teaspoon orange extract
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup toasted and chopped walnuts
Melt together the sugar and butter until sugar dissolves. Cool.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Either vegetable oil spray a baking sheet with sides (aka jelly roll pan) or line with parchment paper.
Add the eggs to the butter/sugar mixture and beat until well combined.
Add the flour, baking powder, and salt to the egg/butter/sugar and mix well. Stir in the zest, extracts, and walnuts.
Spread evenly into the prepared pan. Bake for approximately 20-25 minutes or until the cookie is a pale brown and a slight dent is left when you press the top gently. Remove from oven and cool on a wire rack. Cut while still very warm into your desired size.
Pizza dough - cheap and no problem!

2 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons dry yeast
1 tablespoon olive oil
Enough cold water to form a workable dough
Combine the dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl. If you have a mixer that will handle it, so much the better (and quicker!) but by hand works perfectly well. Add the olive oil and enough water to form a workable dough. Knead the dough for a few minutes to smooth it out. Add a dusting of flour as needed. The dough should not be stiff.
Vegetable oil spray two pizza pans. I got these at Walmart and the holes on the bottom insure the crust cooks through. Divide the dough into two, even portions and slap them down on the prepared sheets. Start patting out one to fit the pan. It will resist a bit so let it rest and work on the other one. Go back and forth on this until both are stretched to fit the pan.
Preheat your oven to 450 degrees.
Thinly spread on prepared pasta sauce (canned is great). Add your cheese and toppings. Brush the edges of the crust with some olive oil and sprinkle them with Italian seasoning.
Bake for about 20-30 minutes or until the crust edges are browning and the bottom is no longer pale. See? It pays to have those holes on the bottom of the pan!
If you compare the price of buying pizza or a packaged crust, you will see how cost effective a treat like this can be.
Viewing the world from the safety of the window . . .
Low profiles don't often get respect . . .
Why wouldn't the United States and it's president want to protect our interests and people serving overseas in embassies? If even half this article were true, it should be considered a national shame.
What can you really defend . . . ?
There is a personable young man in our parish church who is willing to challenge anyone to a debate regarding the incumbent president and Governor Romney, the challenger for the seat in the Oval Office . . . only this young man is defending the current president's re-election. And I have to wonder, as a Catholic, how he can be so adamantly in favor of a man who has been outspoken in both his first election and the current one in favor of abortion at any time in a pregnancy. In fact, his one 'claim to fame' as a short-term senator was to fight to have the Born Alive Act overturned meaning that if an abortion didn't 'work', another doctor was to come in and see to the killing of the infant.
I have another friend, who is a priest, and he votes for the Green Party and a look at their site reveals they are also in favor of abortion. When I challenged him on this issue, he seriously admonished me with, "You know I have always abhorred abortion!" Uh, well, yes, so why are you handing your support to any group that will uphold that right.
Recently, our bishop wrote an article on voting in the diocesan paper and although he did mention abortion, the sum total of his article was voting down the death penalty. Abortion got mentioned twice and early on in his writing but the bulk of it dealt with the death penalty. I do have concerns about the death penalty but how many people have suffered this punishment in comparison to the over 50 million babies that have been murdered? I felt like the shepherd was leading his flock along a side path when the real challenge took another avenue.
Interesting to see that three obviously thinking people has so little thought about the unborn. Yes, Governor Romeny isn't totally against abortion but voting one's conscience or not voting at all may land us with another four years of abortion at any time in the pregnancy.
A big campaign blame is that the Republicans are waging a war on women. Since more than half the pregnancies seem to be female, doesn't abortion wage a war on women? A baby is not a parasite. A parasite is a life form not related to the host. A baby is another human being. Legal may be legal but it doesn't always make it right.
In the UTube "33 Minutes to Rock Your World, the host points out that Jews were not illegally killed in World War II Germany because Hitler made it the law and as an elected official, he made use of that 'right'. But, being legal didn't make it right to kill Jews. Abortion is also legal . . . does that make it right to kill another human being?
You have to wonder about the Christian/Catholic gene pool these days when one of them comes up to you sporting an obama tee shirt at church and tries to convince you of the validity of a vote that will give someone another open season of murdering babies.
I have another friend, who is a priest, and he votes for the Green Party and a look at their site reveals they are also in favor of abortion. When I challenged him on this issue, he seriously admonished me with, "You know I have always abhorred abortion!" Uh, well, yes, so why are you handing your support to any group that will uphold that right.
Recently, our bishop wrote an article on voting in the diocesan paper and although he did mention abortion, the sum total of his article was voting down the death penalty. Abortion got mentioned twice and early on in his writing but the bulk of it dealt with the death penalty. I do have concerns about the death penalty but how many people have suffered this punishment in comparison to the over 50 million babies that have been murdered? I felt like the shepherd was leading his flock along a side path when the real challenge took another avenue.
Interesting to see that three obviously thinking people has so little thought about the unborn. Yes, Governor Romeny isn't totally against abortion but voting one's conscience or not voting at all may land us with another four years of abortion at any time in the pregnancy.
A big campaign blame is that the Republicans are waging a war on women. Since more than half the pregnancies seem to be female, doesn't abortion wage a war on women? A baby is not a parasite. A parasite is a life form not related to the host. A baby is another human being. Legal may be legal but it doesn't always make it right.
In the UTube "33 Minutes to Rock Your World, the host points out that Jews were not illegally killed in World War II Germany because Hitler made it the law and as an elected official, he made use of that 'right'. But, being legal didn't make it right to kill Jews. Abortion is also legal . . . does that make it right to kill another human being?
You have to wonder about the Christian/Catholic gene pool these days when one of them comes up to you sporting an obama tee shirt at church and tries to convince you of the validity of a vote that will give someone another open season of murdering babies.
Socialism - it hasn't worked yet!
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”
― Winston Churchill
― Winston Churchill
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Pork and Poblano Stew!
Was browsing through my latest copy of Better Homes and Gardens and saw a recipe that caught my curiosity. Since I had all the ingredients on hand, it appeared on the dinner table last night and was a success. It was also easy to do and didn't take all that long to cook.
Pork and Poblano Stew
1 1/4 pounds of pork cut into 1-inch pieces
2 teaspoons hot chili powder
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 fresh poblano chili pepper, seeded and cut into 1-inch pieces (If you can't find it fresh, look in the ethnic section of the grocery store and get the dried version which is call Ancho and just put it in some warm water to soften)
1 large red bell pepper, seeded and cut into 1-inch pieces
1 medium onion, cut into thin wedges
1 14 1/2-ounce can of fire-roasted tomatoes (they usually contain chilies, too)
2 cups chicken broth
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup fresh orange juice
2 teaspoon finely shredded orange peel.
Toss the cut pork with the chili powder to coat. In a large frying pan, heat one tablespoon of oil and cook the pork for about 4-5 minutes or until browned, stirring occasionally. With a slotted spoon, remove the meat to another bowl and set aside for now.
Add the remaining tablespoon of oil to the same frying pan (don't clean from the meat!) and saute the Poblano, bell pepper and onion until softened, about five minutes.
Add tomatoes, broth and cinnamon to this mixture and simmer, covered, over medium heat for ten minutes. Add the pork and orange juice and simmer, uncovered for another five minutes. Stir in the orange peel shreds, mix in, and serve. It went really well over rice with a side of fresh corn. The orange juice and zest make all the difference in the world. It had some heat but wasn't unbearably spicy hot. You could, however, put chili flakes on the table for anyone looking for added heat in their food!
Pork and Poblano Stew
1 1/4 pounds of pork cut into 1-inch pieces
2 teaspoons hot chili powder
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 fresh poblano chili pepper, seeded and cut into 1-inch pieces (If you can't find it fresh, look in the ethnic section of the grocery store and get the dried version which is call Ancho and just put it in some warm water to soften)
1 large red bell pepper, seeded and cut into 1-inch pieces
1 medium onion, cut into thin wedges
1 14 1/2-ounce can of fire-roasted tomatoes (they usually contain chilies, too)
2 cups chicken broth
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup fresh orange juice
2 teaspoon finely shredded orange peel.
Toss the cut pork with the chili powder to coat. In a large frying pan, heat one tablespoon of oil and cook the pork for about 4-5 minutes or until browned, stirring occasionally. With a slotted spoon, remove the meat to another bowl and set aside for now.
Add the remaining tablespoon of oil to the same frying pan (don't clean from the meat!) and saute the Poblano, bell pepper and onion until softened, about five minutes.
Add tomatoes, broth and cinnamon to this mixture and simmer, covered, over medium heat for ten minutes. Add the pork and orange juice and simmer, uncovered for another five minutes. Stir in the orange peel shreds, mix in, and serve. It went really well over rice with a side of fresh corn. The orange juice and zest make all the difference in the world. It had some heat but wasn't unbearably spicy hot. You could, however, put chili flakes on the table for anyone looking for added heat in their food!
Depression, Sin, the Cure . . .
“Depression comes not from having faults but from refusal to face them. There
are tens of thousands of persons today suffering from fears which in reality are
nothing but the effects of hidden sin. The examination of conscience will cure
us of self- deception. It will also cure us of depression!” ~Bishop Fulton
Monday, September 17, 2012
Great quote!
happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore,
guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to
virtue and reasonable nature.
- Marcus Aurelius
Using the right tools . . .
“Apart from the cross there is no other ladder by
which we may get to heaven.” ~St. Rose of Lima
Good news!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Our cat, Marcela through the ages . . .

Crocheting completed!

Homemade Pizza Night!

B is for Broccoli? Are we still doing Christmas recipes?
I felt challenged today so researched for a recipe using . . . broccoli . . . but not as a vegetable or savory side dish but in a cake! I have made cakes with tomato, with garbanzo beans, carrots and thought about how one with broccoli would turn out.
I actually found a couple of recipe but ended up putting together my own version and as I type, it is baking in the oven so I can't give you a final verdict on the experiment yet!
Broccoli-Carrot Cake
8 ounces steamed and pureed carrots (can use baby food, too)
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup finely shredded carrots
1/3 cup finely shredded raw broccoli
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup ground walnuts
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Zest and juice of two limes
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1 large egg
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Vegetable oil spray a round 8 x 1 1/2-inch cake pan or whatever works for you.
Put all the ingredient in a large mixing bowl and with a wooden spoon thoroughly mix until just blended. Spread into prepared pan and bake for approximately 25-30 minutes.
My cake just exited the oven and it smell very good and looks pretty with the bits of orange and green peeking through the golden crust. The cake isn't light but it rose enough to be tender. I'll have to get the final verdict from my panel of 'experts' as in family! My daughter is on a health kick and downing all kinds of green drinks so she should be game to try my low-fat 'vegetable' cake.
I actually found a couple of recipe but ended up putting together my own version and as I type, it is baking in the oven so I can't give you a final verdict on the experiment yet!
Broccoli-Carrot Cake
8 ounces steamed and pureed carrots (can use baby food, too)
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup finely shredded carrots
1/3 cup finely shredded raw broccoli
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup ground walnuts
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Zest and juice of two limes
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1 large egg
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Vegetable oil spray a round 8 x 1 1/2-inch cake pan or whatever works for you.
Put all the ingredient in a large mixing bowl and with a wooden spoon thoroughly mix until just blended. Spread into prepared pan and bake for approximately 25-30 minutes.
My cake just exited the oven and it smell very good and looks pretty with the bits of orange and green peeking through the golden crust. The cake isn't light but it rose enough to be tender. I'll have to get the final verdict from my panel of 'experts' as in family! My daughter is on a health kick and downing all kinds of green drinks so she should be game to try my low-fat 'vegetable' cake.
33 minutes that WILL rock your world!
This is a most amazing video. These might be the best 33 minutes you ever spend as it makes a lot clear and clears up a lot! Do YOU believe in the holocaust? We are living through one right now and our vote can work towards changing that in November.
This is a most amazing video. These might be the best 33 minutes you ever spend as it makes a lot clear and clears up a lot! Do YOU believe in the holocaust? We are living through one right now and our vote can work towards changing that in November.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
In Honor of Our Lady of Sorrows . . .
“Love Mary!… She is loveable, faithful, constant. She will never let
herself be outdone in love, but will ever remain supreme. If you are in danger,
she will hasten to free you. If you are troubled, she will console you. If you
are sick, she will bring you relief. If you are in need, she will help you. She
does not look to see what kind of person you have been. She simply comes to a
heart that wants to love her. She comes quickly and opens her merciful heart to
you, embraces you and consoles and serves you. She will even be at hand to
accompany you on the trip to eternity.” ~St. Gabriel of Our Lady of
An answer to our prayers?
Mission accomplished!

Right now, I have four quilts in various stages of completion and the 'incomplete' grade for quilting last month is rapidly heading for a 100 percent completion . . . only, I just got this idea for another quilt . . .
Feast Day of Our Lady of Sorrows
Our Lady of Sorrows
Feast Day September 15th
"Thy Mother seeing Thee, the Lamb and Shepherd and Savior of the world, upon the Cross, said with tears, Lo! The world rejoiceth, for it gaineth deliverance; but my heart is broken, for I see Thy crucifixion, which Thou endurest for all, O my Son and My God." Byzantine Horologion, Troparion at None, 6th to 8th century.
It should be a fitting reminder to us that the Feast of our Lady of Sorrows falls on the day after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross as the two memorials are so closely entwined. On one day, we bring more closely to mind the Cross that determined our salvation because Christ died upon it. The Greek literally translate the day as "Raising Aloft of the Precious Cross" which from the Latin we have "Raising Aloft of the Holy Cross." Although this feast day strongly brings to our attention the crucifixion and the excruciating suffering offered for the salvation for our sins, who of us can really, truly understand what it means to actually stand by that cross and witness the blood shed that was the turning point of our history and the beginning of the Church.
There were several people close by the cross that day and a crowd in encircling the area. All were touched in some way but who more so than the Mother who gave birth to the Son that now died horribly before her very eyes.
Of all the feast days dedicated to the Blessed Mother, this had great pain and sadness prefacing the glory of the Resurrection. In all, there are Seven Sorrows endured lovingly and graciously by the Mother God chosen for His Only Begotten Son.
The Bible clearly sets out the seven events that reveal the strength and trust the Blessed Mother had in her place in this important aspect of our salvation.
The devotion to the Mother of Sorrows dates back to the beginning of the Church. St. John at the foot of the Cross is the very first example. "Now there stood by the Cross of Jesus, His Mother . . ." (John. 19:25)
The devotion has always been part of Catholic faith. It was not, however, until the 13th Century that this devotion of meditation to the Sorrow of Our Lady began to really take root. In Florence, Italy, seven holy men of noble birth left the city to seek solitude on Mount Senario where they formed a community to dedicate their lives to prayer and penance. The men had a deep devotion to Our Blessed Mother. In 1239, on Good Friday, while meditating on Our Lord’s Passion and Mary’s own sufferings, Our Lady appeared to them and presented to them her wish for them to form an order dedicated to practicing and promoting devotion to Her Seven Sorrows. This was the founding of the Order of the Servants of Mary (Servites) and all of them are canonized saints today.
"Let us, therefore, not be ashamed of the Cross of Christ; but though another hide it, do thou openly seal it upon thy forehead, that the devils may behold the royal sign and flee trembling far away. Make then this sign at eating and drinking, at sitting, at lying down, at rising up, at speaking, at walking; in a word, at every act." (St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Catechetical Discourses, 4, 14 4th century)
Prayer in Honor of the Seven Sorrows of Mary
O most holy and afflicted Virgin! Queen of Martyrs! thou who didst stand motionless beneath the Cross, witnessing the agony of thy expiring Son--through the unceasing sufferings of thy life of sorrow, and the bliss which now more than amply repays thee for thy past trials, look down with a mother's tenderness and pity on me, who kneel before thee to venerate thy dolors, and place my requests, with filial confidence, in the sanctuary of thy wounded heart; present them, I beseech thee, on my behalf, to Jesus Christ, through the merits of His own most sacred death and passion, together with thy sufferings at the foot of the cross, and through the united efficacy of both obtain the grant of my present petition. To whom shall I resort in my wants and miseries if not to thee, O Mother of Mercy, who, having so deeply drunk of the chalice of thy Son, canst compassionate the woes of those who still sigh in the land of exile? Offer for me to my Savior one drop of the Blood which flowed from His sacred veins, one of the tears which trickled from His divine eyes, one of the sighs which rent His adorable Heart. O refuge of the universe and hope of the whole world, do not reject my humble prayer, but graciously obtain the grant of my petition.
Feast Day September 15th
"Thy Mother seeing Thee, the Lamb and Shepherd and Savior of the world, upon the Cross, said with tears, Lo! The world rejoiceth, for it gaineth deliverance; but my heart is broken, for I see Thy crucifixion, which Thou endurest for all, O my Son and My God." Byzantine Horologion, Troparion at None, 6th to 8th century.
It should be a fitting reminder to us that the Feast of our Lady of Sorrows falls on the day after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross as the two memorials are so closely entwined. On one day, we bring more closely to mind the Cross that determined our salvation because Christ died upon it. The Greek literally translate the day as "Raising Aloft of the Precious Cross" which from the Latin we have "Raising Aloft of the Holy Cross." Although this feast day strongly brings to our attention the crucifixion and the excruciating suffering offered for the salvation for our sins, who of us can really, truly understand what it means to actually stand by that cross and witness the blood shed that was the turning point of our history and the beginning of the Church.
There were several people close by the cross that day and a crowd in encircling the area. All were touched in some way but who more so than the Mother who gave birth to the Son that now died horribly before her very eyes.
"At the Cross her station keeping,
Stood the mournful Mother weeping,
Close to Jesus to the last:
Through her heart, His sorry sharing,
All His bitter anguish bearing,
Now at length the sword had passed."
Of all the feast days dedicated to the Blessed Mother, this had great pain and sadness prefacing the glory of the Resurrection. In all, there are Seven Sorrows endured lovingly and graciously by the Mother God chosen for His Only Begotten Son.
The Bible clearly sets out the seven events that reveal the strength and trust the Blessed Mother had in her place in this important aspect of our salvation.
The devotion to the Mother of Sorrows dates back to the beginning of the Church. St. John at the foot of the Cross is the very first example. "Now there stood by the Cross of Jesus, His Mother . . ." (John. 19:25)
The devotion has always been part of Catholic faith. It was not, however, until the 13th Century that this devotion of meditation to the Sorrow of Our Lady began to really take root. In Florence, Italy, seven holy men of noble birth left the city to seek solitude on Mount Senario where they formed a community to dedicate their lives to prayer and penance. The men had a deep devotion to Our Blessed Mother. In 1239, on Good Friday, while meditating on Our Lord’s Passion and Mary’s own sufferings, Our Lady appeared to them and presented to them her wish for them to form an order dedicated to practicing and promoting devotion to Her Seven Sorrows. This was the founding of the Order of the Servants of Mary (Servites) and all of them are canonized saints today.
The Seven Sorrows of Mary
1. The Prophecy of Simeon
2. The Flight into Egypt
3. Jesus is Lost in the Temple
4. Mary Meets Jesus Carrying His Cross to Calvary
5. The Crucifixion - Mary Standing at the Foot of the Cross as Jesus Dies
6. The Taking Down of the Body of Jesus from the Cross
7. The Burial of Jesus
"Let us, therefore, not be ashamed of the Cross of Christ; but though another hide it, do thou openly seal it upon thy forehead, that the devils may behold the royal sign and flee trembling far away. Make then this sign at eating and drinking, at sitting, at lying down, at rising up, at speaking, at walking; in a word, at every act." (St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Catechetical Discourses, 4, 14 4th century)
Prayer in Honor of the Seven Sorrows of Mary
O most holy and afflicted Virgin! Queen of Martyrs! thou who didst stand motionless beneath the Cross, witnessing the agony of thy expiring Son--through the unceasing sufferings of thy life of sorrow, and the bliss which now more than amply repays thee for thy past trials, look down with a mother's tenderness and pity on me, who kneel before thee to venerate thy dolors, and place my requests, with filial confidence, in the sanctuary of thy wounded heart; present them, I beseech thee, on my behalf, to Jesus Christ, through the merits of His own most sacred death and passion, together with thy sufferings at the foot of the cross, and through the united efficacy of both obtain the grant of my present petition. To whom shall I resort in my wants and miseries if not to thee, O Mother of Mercy, who, having so deeply drunk of the chalice of thy Son, canst compassionate the woes of those who still sigh in the land of exile? Offer for me to my Savior one drop of the Blood which flowed from His sacred veins, one of the tears which trickled from His divine eyes, one of the sighs which rent His adorable Heart. O refuge of the universe and hope of the whole world, do not reject my humble prayer, but graciously obtain the grant of my petition.
Question for the Clergy . . .
Caroline Kennedy recently spoke at the Democratic National Convention 'as Catholic woman' yet she came out strongly in favor of abortion. Where is the outcry from her own parish priest to the bishop of her diocese and publicly from pulpits across the nation. No, we can't judge people we think are against the sanctity of like but Caroline Kennedy didn't leave any doubt about where she stood on the subject.
Former speaker of the house, Peolosi also made statements about the Church and is a strong advocate for abortion. She actually said Sunday was for religion! Yet, both she and Vice President Biden flaunt their ashes on Ash Wednesday where I assume they also attended Mass . . . and received Communion. How little the pastors of their church must care about their souls or their own, for that fact, to fly in the face of all that is holy and good and part of the 'rules' of being a Catholic.
I was a child when President Kennedy came into office but I remember my very anti-Catholic aunt fretting that if we get a Catholic in the White House, besides the Pope moving in, too, we'd all have to start being Catholics. Naturally, that didn't happen but, at that time, many people felt the Catholics were a strong example in the world.
Then came the legalization of abortion and the outcry wasn't what was expected from the Catholics. I remember attending Mass on the tenth anniversary of Roe v. Wade and expecting the pastor to touch upon this fact in his homily. Not a word.
Along come obama out of almost no where and given his attitude on abortion, I figured that no Catholic would vote for him. Unfortunately, 54% of the Catholic vote went to him, he won, and one of the first things he signed in office was to rescind the safeguards President Bush had put into place to protect the unborn. When one puts their politics ahead of their religion, can you expect them to have a mind set of being a martyr for their faith?
My question for the Catholic clergy is - where is the outcry? Yes, there are many, many people who do made a difference on the abortion issue but when are the people who want the title of Catholic going to be told they can't receive the sacraments because their Sunday Mass attendance dosen't make up for their disbelief during the week.
Former speaker of the house, Peolosi also made statements about the Church and is a strong advocate for abortion. She actually said Sunday was for religion! Yet, both she and Vice President Biden flaunt their ashes on Ash Wednesday where I assume they also attended Mass . . . and received Communion. How little the pastors of their church must care about their souls or their own, for that fact, to fly in the face of all that is holy and good and part of the 'rules' of being a Catholic.
I was a child when President Kennedy came into office but I remember my very anti-Catholic aunt fretting that if we get a Catholic in the White House, besides the Pope moving in, too, we'd all have to start being Catholics. Naturally, that didn't happen but, at that time, many people felt the Catholics were a strong example in the world.
Then came the legalization of abortion and the outcry wasn't what was expected from the Catholics. I remember attending Mass on the tenth anniversary of Roe v. Wade and expecting the pastor to touch upon this fact in his homily. Not a word.
Along come obama out of almost no where and given his attitude on abortion, I figured that no Catholic would vote for him. Unfortunately, 54% of the Catholic vote went to him, he won, and one of the first things he signed in office was to rescind the safeguards President Bush had put into place to protect the unborn. When one puts their politics ahead of their religion, can you expect them to have a mind set of being a martyr for their faith?
My question for the Catholic clergy is - where is the outcry? Yes, there are many, many people who do made a difference on the abortion issue but when are the people who want the title of Catholic going to be told they can't receive the sacraments because their Sunday Mass attendance dosen't make up for their disbelief during the week.
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