I sincerely wish that people would take responsibility for their pets. A gentleman in the neighborhood had a lot of cats in and around his house, inside and out. He took very sick, suddenly, and was quickly sent to live with his daughter. She cleared out his house and called animal control about the cats. Unfortunately, two of them coudn't be caught and within a month of so started coming around our house. We had decided to befriend one and take the other one to the shelter. Well, they grew up a bit too fast and both had kittens at a young age before we could do anything about it. We found homes for one cat's three kittens. One of the other cats either found a home or came to a bad end as the little grey guy disappeared. All we have left to figure out a future for are these two kittens. The one on the left we call Bold because he is and likes to race into our house to see what our cat is having for dinner. The smaller, female we call Fresh because she tries to be untouched by us mere mortals although she looks at the other cat getting petted with some longing in her eyes.
Unfortunately, no homes were found for either the two kittens or their mothers so we have to finally take them to the animal shelter. What saddens us is that they won't even have a chance to find a home. It seems to be 'kitten season' and they will be put down as soon as we turn them over.
You have to wonder how God is going to view man's use of his creatures when people refuse to do the proper thing by their animals and keep the population down so they can all find homes.

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