I subscribe to this newsletter and have often discovered great German recipes along with a lot of interesting facts and stories. Being half German, for some reason this appeals to me! Today, I discovered this recipe in time to use it for my pie crust for a change of pace from my usual recipe.
A place to share ideas on making a comfortable home. I do it through quilting, being faithful to my Faith, and caring for my family. Being a Catholic, sewing, and baking cookies are a few of my favorite things. I'm open to discussion!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Next on my list of things to bake . . .
Two peach pies are cooling on the counter . . . right next to two, huge bowls of fresh tomatoes from the garden. It gave me an idea . . . Use the search engine on the computer to see if anyone has come up with a recipe for sweet tomato cake and one showed up immediately. The blogger mentioned the same problem, a surplus of beautiful tomatoes so she devised this recipe. She is into healthy so you don't need eggs or butter in it and her picture reflect a very successful outcome. I plan to put this recipe to good use . . . as soon as the peach pies are gone!
More Wisdom Through Quotes!
"Eccentricity is not, as dull people would have us believe, a form
of madness. It is often a kind of innocent pride, and the man of genius and the
aristocrat are frequently regarded as eccentrics because genius and aristocrat
are entirely unafraid of and uninfluenced by the opinions and vagaries of the
-- Edith Sitwell
-- Edith Sitwell
"Did you ever walk into a room and forget why you walked in? I
think that's how dogs spend their lives."
-- Sue Murphy
-- Sue Murphy
"Outer space is no place for a person of breeding."
-- Lady Violet Bonham Carter
-- Lady Violet Bonham Carter
"If the automobile had followed the same development cycle as the
computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon,
and explode once a year, killing everyone inside."
-- Robert X. Cringely
-- Robert X. Cringely
Brown Sugar Lemon Spice Shortbread
This is a small-batch recipe. I use it when my husband decides he needs something to sustain his engergy in a hectic week. I like it because there won't be a lot of leftover cookies to tempt him too much! It is easy to throw together and the long baking time leaves you to the rest of your dinner prep work without worry.
Brown Sugar Lemon Spice Shortbread
1 cup butter - margarine will definitely not work!
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 tablespoon freshly grated lemon zest
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cup all-purpose flour
Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Prepare a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Beat together the butter and brown sugar until light and fluffy. Add the spices, zest, vanilla and beat to combine. Stir in the flour to form a dough.
There are two ways to prepre the cookies. You can either scoop out tablespoons of dough into rounded balls and press them down with the bottom of a glass dipped in sugar or you can divide the dough into two or three larger balls, press out into about a 1/2 thick circle.
Either way, bake for approximately 25-40 minutes depending on the size of the cookies. They should be golden around the edges. Let cool on baking sheet and carefully transfer to a rack to finish cooling.
These go great with an iced tea, glass or cold milk,
I can always make these easy little cookies with the ingredients in my pantry. They're rich, crisp, and so simple to make.
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 40 minutes
Total Time: 50 minutes
- 1 cup butter (NO substitutes), softened
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 2 cups flour
Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. In large bowl, beat butter until fluffy. Add brown sugar and mix well. Then add flour and mix just until a dough forms. Divide dough into 2 balls and pat each into a 1/2" thick 7" round on an ungreased cookie sheet. Prick each with fork. Bake at 300 degrees F for 40-45 minutes or until golden brown. Carefully remove to wire rack to cool. Cut each round into eight wedges to serve. 16 cookies
User Reviews
All too often . . .
intelligent people can often simplify the complex, a fool is more likely to
complicate the simple.
- Gerald W.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Chris Christie's Convention Highlights . . .
#1 – Our founding fathers had the wisdom to know that social acceptance and popularity is fleeting and that this country’s principles needed to be rooted in strengths greater than the passions and emotions of the times. Our leaders today have decided it is more important to be popular, to do what is easy and say “yes,” rather than to say no when “no” is what’s required.
#2 – Their plan: whistle a happy tune while driving us off the fiscal cliff, as long as they are behind the wheel of power.
#3 – They believe in teacher’s unions. We believe in teachers.
#4 – It’s the power of our ideas, not of our rhetoric, that attracts people to our Party.
#5 – When there are people in the room who care more about doing the job they were elected to do than worrying about winning re-election, it’s possible to work together, achieve principled compromise and get results.
#6 – Mitt Romney will tell us the hard truths we need to hear to put us back on the path to growth and create good paying private sector jobs again in America.
#7 - Mitt Romney will tell us the hard truths we need to hear to end the torrent of debt that is compromising our future and burying our economy.
Mitt Romney will tell us the hard truths we need to hear to end the debacle of putting the world’s greatest health care system in the hands of federal bureaucrats and putting those bureaucrats between an American citizen and her doctor.
#8 – Our problems are big and the solutions will not be painless. We all must share in the sacrifice. Any leader that tells us differently is simply not telling the truth.
#9 – What will our children and grandchildren say of us? Will they say we buried our heads in the sand, we assuaged ourselves with the creature comforts we’ve acquired, that our problems were too big and we were too small, that someone else should make a difference because we can’t? Or will they say we stood up and made the tough choices needed to preserve our way of life?
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my children and grandchildren to have to read in a history book what it was like to live in an American Century. I don’t want their only inheritance to be an enormous government that has overtaxed, overspent and over-borrowed a great people into second-class citizenship. I want them to live in a second American Century.
#10 – We have never been victims of destiny. We have always been masters of our own.
#2 – Their plan: whistle a happy tune while driving us off the fiscal cliff, as long as they are behind the wheel of power.
#3 – They believe in teacher’s unions. We believe in teachers.
#5 – When there are people in the room who care more about doing the job they were elected to do than worrying about winning re-election, it’s possible to work together, achieve principled compromise and get results.
#6 – Mitt Romney will tell us the hard truths we need to hear to put us back on the path to growth and create good paying private sector jobs again in America.
#7 - Mitt Romney will tell us the hard truths we need to hear to end the torrent of debt that is compromising our future and burying our economy.
Mitt Romney will tell us the hard truths we need to hear to end the debacle of putting the world’s greatest health care system in the hands of federal bureaucrats and putting those bureaucrats between an American citizen and her doctor.
#8 – Our problems are big and the solutions will not be painless. We all must share in the sacrifice. Any leader that tells us differently is simply not telling the truth.
#9 – What will our children and grandchildren say of us? Will they say we buried our heads in the sand, we assuaged ourselves with the creature comforts we’ve acquired, that our problems were too big and we were too small, that someone else should make a difference because we can’t? Or will they say we stood up and made the tough choices needed to preserve our way of life?
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my children and grandchildren to have to read in a history book what it was like to live in an American Century. I don’t want their only inheritance to be an enormous government that has overtaxed, overspent and over-borrowed a great people into second-class citizenship. I want them to live in a second American Century.
#10 – We have never been victims of destiny. We have always been masters of our own.
Chinese Chicken Soup!
I needed a quick meal for dinner last night. I didn't have time to make an Asian soup from conception to reception so scoured the freezer for possibilities. I came across a container of chicken broth I had frozen for a lazy day and decided this was that day. Usually, I braise the chicken in Chinese mushrooms, garlic, and fresh ginger . . . but didn't have time. I decided to invent dinner and if it worked, yes, I made you all Chinese Chicken Soup! If it didn't, it would still be good and the family would figure I was creating in the kitchen, again.
Given the time frame, I put the lump of frozen broth, garlic, and ginger in my big soup pot. I turned on the heat and let all the flavors meld. I added soy sauce, salt, pepper, and chicken bullion. I tasted it and it tasted almost like my usual rendition. I excavated a bag of stir fry vegetables from the recesses of the freezer and discovered a package of Chinese dry noodles in the cupboard. A couple of pieces of boneless chicken showed up in my search. I put them in a frying pan and browned them well on both side. I added some Sherry to bring up the tasty brown surface from the pan, chopped the chicken and added it to the pot. In went the stir fry vegetables. When they were warmed through, I put in the Chinese noodles (you could use regular spaghetti, too) and stirred the contents of the pot until the broth came back to a boil. I simmered it just long enough to cook the noodles, added some chili flakes and served. Got rave reviews, too!
We are trying to live out of the cupboard until payday so I guess my first attempt was successful. It seems that whenever I don't have an ingredient for a specific recipe, I head over to the grocery store and always come back with more than I went to buy. Besides, finding substitutes makes the 'out of the cupboard' adventure all the more fun.
Given the time frame, I put the lump of frozen broth, garlic, and ginger in my big soup pot. I turned on the heat and let all the flavors meld. I added soy sauce, salt, pepper, and chicken bullion. I tasted it and it tasted almost like my usual rendition. I excavated a bag of stir fry vegetables from the recesses of the freezer and discovered a package of Chinese dry noodles in the cupboard. A couple of pieces of boneless chicken showed up in my search. I put them in a frying pan and browned them well on both side. I added some Sherry to bring up the tasty brown surface from the pan, chopped the chicken and added it to the pot. In went the stir fry vegetables. When they were warmed through, I put in the Chinese noodles (you could use regular spaghetti, too) and stirred the contents of the pot until the broth came back to a boil. I simmered it just long enough to cook the noodles, added some chili flakes and served. Got rave reviews, too!
We are trying to live out of the cupboard until payday so I guess my first attempt was successful. It seems that whenever I don't have an ingredient for a specific recipe, I head over to the grocery store and always come back with more than I went to buy. Besides, finding substitutes makes the 'out of the cupboard' adventure all the more fun.
Just read that a three-person civil union was granted to a trio in Brazil. Looks like we are working on another slippery slope down in our morality. Just when you think, 'what next?' the answer appears. The one thing that has survived the test of time for the last 2,000-plus years is . . . drum roll! The Catholic Church. It is the only organization that has had it's ups and downs, major and minor problems but still survives. It is interesting to think of all the civilizations, empires, etc. that thought they were invincible yet are no longer. I guess that when the power is stronger than the belief in God, God steps back and lets man cope on is own . . . and it doesn't work.
Like Will Rogers quote, especially!
"What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the
value of nothing."
-- Oscar Wilde
-- Oscar Wilde
"It is better for civilization to be going down the drain than to
be coming up it."
-- Henry Allen
-- Henry Allen
"We're all in this alone."
-- Lily Tomlin
-- Lily Tomlin
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a
-- Will Rogers
-- Will Rogers
The Wasting of our Future . . .
I was talking to a delightful couple after Mass on Sunday and, as usual these days, our conversation turned to politics. Although we all agreed that our current politicians in office needed to be replaced, they did say they rejoiced with everyone over the election of our first, black president. To me that seemed to be a superficial elation. Not that being black makes anyone unfit for office but that the fact that he was adamantly in support of all abortion made him an 'unfit' vote for a good Catholic whether he was black or not. In the 2008 election, too many people failed to look past the possibility of an historic event to see what would face the country with a staunch, anti-life president in office. Now, if we fight to replace him with a more conservative candidate that would respect life and the Constitution of our country, we are called racist.
It took me aback when this couple were happy that they could put their Catholicism aside and vote in someone who was very open about his views on abortion and made good his election by rescinding the safeguards President Bush had put into place during his term in office. The then-newly elected president signed any pro life safeguards away before his first week in office was over. I don't think they can claim invincible ignorance as the information was out there for those who bothered to research the possibly far-reaching effects of their vote.
Another reason I voted against the current president in 2008 was his lack of respect for his own race. Abortion is a problem among the black community. A priest once said that the most dangerous place in the United States for a black child is in his mother's womb. Did all the Catholics stop to think that their vote made them accessories to abortion?
This election is pretty nasty with the one side saying the Republicans have declared war on women. Why? Because we are against having to pay for contraception and abortion when it is against our values? The Catholic Church has lawsuits pending because the separation of Church and State has been breached by the current administration and we have been mandated to act against our moral values and the precepts of our Faith . . . in a country that is supposed to guarantee us those rights.
I watch the protests during the convention and have to wonder about the women demanding abortion and contraception. The are loud and shriek their agenda. I heard a sermon from a very humble, devout priest who said that any mother who kills her baby isn't a true mother. I think about the children of such mothers who are allowed to live and realize that they could have been the chosen one to die.
Mother Theresa said the violence will not leave our world until we stop aborting our future. A look around the world and the frequent headlines of needless death and murder would tell a thinking person that she knew of what she spoke.
It took me aback when this couple were happy that they could put their Catholicism aside and vote in someone who was very open about his views on abortion and made good his election by rescinding the safeguards President Bush had put into place during his term in office. The then-newly elected president signed any pro life safeguards away before his first week in office was over. I don't think they can claim invincible ignorance as the information was out there for those who bothered to research the possibly far-reaching effects of their vote.
Another reason I voted against the current president in 2008 was his lack of respect for his own race. Abortion is a problem among the black community. A priest once said that the most dangerous place in the United States for a black child is in his mother's womb. Did all the Catholics stop to think that their vote made them accessories to abortion?
This election is pretty nasty with the one side saying the Republicans have declared war on women. Why? Because we are against having to pay for contraception and abortion when it is against our values? The Catholic Church has lawsuits pending because the separation of Church and State has been breached by the current administration and we have been mandated to act against our moral values and the precepts of our Faith . . . in a country that is supposed to guarantee us those rights.
I watch the protests during the convention and have to wonder about the women demanding abortion and contraception. The are loud and shriek their agenda. I heard a sermon from a very humble, devout priest who said that any mother who kills her baby isn't a true mother. I think about the children of such mothers who are allowed to live and realize that they could have been the chosen one to die.
Mother Theresa said the violence will not leave our world until we stop aborting our future. A look around the world and the frequent headlines of needless death and murder would tell a thinking person that she knew of what she spoke.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Be careful of what you speak . . . it might become history . . .
The Quote of the
"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America 's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, "the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."
"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America 's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, "the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."
~ Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006 <> Pass it on 'til eternity..
(...it was so nice of
him to give us this great quote for posterity!)
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Ronald Reagan knew . . .
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."
- Ronald Reagan...
- Ronald Reagan...
Friday, August 24, 2012
Making use of the produce from the garden . . .

Donuts . . . or not?

Help with the Sewing?
Oops . . .
you criticize someone, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, if he gets angry,
he'll be a mile away--and barefoot.
- Sarah Jackson
Fair play . . . Manners . . . Dignity . . .
There is always some snipping at an opponent during a major election but one side has gone overboard from stretching the truth to outright lies. First, there was the commercial with the gentleman claiming that Mr. Romney murdered his wife by taking away her health care. Facts were that the woman died six years after the man had left the business and retained her own health care until two years before her death. The Democrats must have taken some kind of 'new' math to an all-time low to work this claim into the six-year time frame. When this error was pointed out to the president, it was decided to continue running the ad, anyway. Why? Well, because he knew there was people who never look beyond the end of their nose when it comes to voting and if the lie could garner a few more votes, so much the better.
Medicare is another source of misinformation in the campaign. The side of the incumbent president claim that Paul Ryan (the VP nominee) has plans to cut out Medicare from the elderly and/or raise the costs so much that they will have little coverage. The truth is that the obama administration is using over seven billion from Medicare to fund obamacare. The Medicare platform on the Republican side would keep that money in the Medicare program and not change the current program.
Traditionally, the respective sides in a campaign put their rallies and such low-key during the conventions. This time around, again breaking with polite tradition, the Democrats plan to increase their campaign stops. Also, the major networks don't plan to run footage of the opening day of the Republican Convention. Where are the equal rights for both sides? Last convention period, Michelle obama gave a speech on behalf of her husband. Again, the liberal media is not taking Ann Romney's speech for her husband into account.
For me, the above is enough to long for a drastic change in administration. If I add on the strong anti-life platform embraced by the Democrats, it is a no brainer that I would not vote for a party who favors the death of the unborn.
It will be interesting to see, however, how much of the Catholic vote, again, goes in favor of the Democrats. The Catholic vote seriously helped obama into office in 2008 and from the people I've talked to at my church, they aren't likely to change.
It is very confusing to me that people who attend Mass almost daily can receive Communion and spout their Catholicism . . . except when it comes to politics. I still have several people who haven't spoken to me since 2008 when I answered their question about my vote. Seems to me that if you hold another person's vote against them, their might be something wrong with the way you voted.
Medicare is another source of misinformation in the campaign. The side of the incumbent president claim that Paul Ryan (the VP nominee) has plans to cut out Medicare from the elderly and/or raise the costs so much that they will have little coverage. The truth is that the obama administration is using over seven billion from Medicare to fund obamacare. The Medicare platform on the Republican side would keep that money in the Medicare program and not change the current program.
Traditionally, the respective sides in a campaign put their rallies and such low-key during the conventions. This time around, again breaking with polite tradition, the Democrats plan to increase their campaign stops. Also, the major networks don't plan to run footage of the opening day of the Republican Convention. Where are the equal rights for both sides? Last convention period, Michelle obama gave a speech on behalf of her husband. Again, the liberal media is not taking Ann Romney's speech for her husband into account.
For me, the above is enough to long for a drastic change in administration. If I add on the strong anti-life platform embraced by the Democrats, it is a no brainer that I would not vote for a party who favors the death of the unborn.
It will be interesting to see, however, how much of the Catholic vote, again, goes in favor of the Democrats. The Catholic vote seriously helped obama into office in 2008 and from the people I've talked to at my church, they aren't likely to change.
It is very confusing to me that people who attend Mass almost daily can receive Communion and spout their Catholicism . . . except when it comes to politics. I still have several people who haven't spoken to me since 2008 when I answered their question about my vote. Seems to me that if you hold another person's vote against them, their might be something wrong with the way you voted.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Something to Grin About . . .
"Do not do unto others as you would that they should do unto you.
Their tastes may not be the same."
-- George Bernard Shaw
-- George Bernard Shaw
"The height of cleverness is to be able to conceal it."
-- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
-- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
"I think on-stage nudity is disgusting, shameful and damaging to
all things American. But if I were 22 with a great body, it would be artistic,
tasteful, patriotic and a progressive religious experience."
-- Shelley Winters
-- Shelley Winters
"It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend."
-- William Blake
-- William Blake
Take heed, mr. president!
fact remains that the overwhelming majority of people who have become wealthy
have become so thanks to work they found profoundly absorbing... The long term
study of people who eventually become wealthy clearly reveals that their "Luck"
arouse from the accidental dedication they had to an area they enjoyed.
- Srully Blotnick
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Feast of the Queenship of Mary

Cease, then, O queens, who earthly crowns do wear,
To glory in the pomp of worldly things:
If men such high respect onto you bear
Which daughters, wives and mothers are of kings;
What honor should unto that Queen be done
Which had your God for Father, Spouse and Son?
Henry Constable: To Our Blessed Lady, Sonnet 1. (17th Century)
All applicable to every day life!
"You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can't possibly
live long enough to make them all yourself."
-- Sam Levenson
-- Sam Levenson
"Nothing ever goes away."
-- Barry Commoner
-- Barry Commoner
"One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses
not to take medicine."
-- Sir William Osler
-- Sir William Osler
Who started it?
I've found that no male really goes with a trend unless some female remarks on how 'cool' or 'hot' he looks in whatever he happened to throw on to wear that day. He was feeling in a sloppy mood, he got a compliment, and a fashion trend was born. I'd just like to know what female encouraged the baggy jeans with half the underwear covered rump showing on guys. Why? Okay, I'm out of that generation but what is handsome about one's pants falling below the hip or further is attractive. And the style seems to circumvent any thoughts of modesty as the guys are constantly hiking up the falling pants without any thought of exposure. My husband saw some young man walking through the crosswalk at an intersection and his pants fell completely to the ground. With hardly breaking step, he yanked them up and kept going.
As someone said, once, it is like all the guys have had to resort to wearing their dad's clothing which are too big and the girls have had to resort to wearing their grade school sister's clothing which are too tight.
I'm waiting for some astute female to bring this fashion trend to a close by telling the first guy they come across that they look silly trying to live life while hanging on to their ever drooping jeans. That might put a stop to the over sized pants but you have to wonder what the next clothing trend will be . . . it might be worse!
As someone said, once, it is like all the guys have had to resort to wearing their dad's clothing which are too big and the girls have had to resort to wearing their grade school sister's clothing which are too tight.
I'm waiting for some astute female to bring this fashion trend to a close by telling the first guy they come across that they look silly trying to live life while hanging on to their ever drooping jeans. That might put a stop to the over sized pants but you have to wonder what the next clothing trend will be . . . it might be worse!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
No comment! :-)
Uncle was a staunch conservative
voted straight line Republican
the day he died.
he votes Democrat.
Thought provoking quotes to start the morning . . .
The average, healthy, well-adjusted adult gets up at seven-thirty in the morning
feeling just plain terrible."
-- Jean Kerr
-- Jean Kerr
"Howard Hughes was able to afford the luxury of madness, like a
man who not only thinks he is Napoleon but hires an army to prove it."
-- Ted Morgan
-- Ted Morgan
"It's all right letting yourself go as long as you can let
yourself back."
-- Mick Jagger
-- Mick Jagger
"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than
-- George Orwell
-- George Orwell
Monday, August 20, 2012
Chinese Soupy Noodles!
Cool Summer Lemon Cake in 'person'!

Shy cat?
Latest creation . . .
Cool Summer Lemon Cake
Of all the flavors, I think lemon beats out chocolate for me. This recipe incorporates all that lemon flavor and is kept cold so makes a cool slice a perfect ending to a meal on a warm evening.
Cool Summer Lemon Cake
1 package lemon cake mix
1 tablespoon freshly grated lemon zest
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 - 14-ounce cans sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 teaspoon lemon extract
2 cup frozen whipped topping, thawed
Grease or vegetable oil spray two 8-9-inch round cake pans. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Prepare the cake mix according to box directions with the addition of the lemon zest and vanilla extract. When the cake is baked and completely cooled, slice each layer in half to form four layers.
In a bowl, mix the two cans of sweetened condensed milk with the lemon juice and lemon extract. Use half the lemon/milk combination to ice between the layers. With the remaining half, fold in the whipped topping and frost the entire cake. This needs chilling overnight before serving.
You could probably do this with orange, too, but I haven't tried it, yet, but am considering it!
Cool Summer Lemon Cake
1 package lemon cake mix
1 tablespoon freshly grated lemon zest
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 - 14-ounce cans sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 teaspoon lemon extract
2 cup frozen whipped topping, thawed
Grease or vegetable oil spray two 8-9-inch round cake pans. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Prepare the cake mix according to box directions with the addition of the lemon zest and vanilla extract. When the cake is baked and completely cooled, slice each layer in half to form four layers.
In a bowl, mix the two cans of sweetened condensed milk with the lemon juice and lemon extract. Use half the lemon/milk combination to ice between the layers. With the remaining half, fold in the whipped topping and frost the entire cake. This needs chilling overnight before serving.
You could probably do this with orange, too, but I haven't tried it, yet, but am considering it!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Should be easy to guess . . .
Christmas is coming!
A reminder for anyone looking for something special for Christmas, I have a yahoo group where you can not only find something homemade and unique for gift giving but can post your own sales or wants. Please read the rules before posting. Take a look and join if you have a handicraft you'd like to share or just want to browse. I know everyone starts looking for stocking stuffers, hostess gifts, and such around the holiday season and that season will be upon us before we know it.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
This is the beginning of spaghetti sauce . . . ?
And the winner is . . .
Heartbreaking . . .

Unfortunately, no homes were found for either the two kittens or their mothers so we have to finally take them to the animal shelter. What saddens us is that they won't even have a chance to find a home. It seems to be 'kitten season' and they will be put down as soon as we turn them over.
You have to wonder how God is going to view man's use of his creatures when people refuse to do the proper thing by their animals and keep the population down so they can all find homes.
Is it real or not?
Every year, I get very frustrated at the disregard of Church rulings about unapproved apparitions and the posting of fliers for these conferences. This week, the annual Medjugorje one went up. I realize that it is up to each individual as to how they want to view this but posting it at a parish church gives undeserved credence to it that hasn't happened from the Vatican yet.
I was shown this link and found some interesting information in it.
What caught my attention was the premise that Medjugorje could be distracting us from the verified words received at Fatima. Anyway, the priest I talk to about this says to concentrate on the proven until the unresolved is resolved. Not starting a 'religous war' here but just sharing some interesting information I hadn't heard or thought about until now.
I was shown this link and found some interesting information in it.
What caught my attention was the premise that Medjugorje could be distracting us from the verified words received at Fatima. Anyway, the priest I talk to about this says to concentrate on the proven until the unresolved is resolved. Not starting a 'religous war' here but just sharing some interesting information I hadn't heard or thought about until now.
Quotes for Today - All Too True!
"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter."
-- e e cummings
-- e e cummings
"The word 'meaningful' when used today is nearly always
-- Paul Johnson
-- Paul Johnson
"Organized crime in America takes in over forty billion dollars a
year and spends very little on office supplies."
-- Woody Allen
-- Woody Allen
Friday, August 17, 2012
Remember our Fallen Heroes . . .

"When falls the soldier brave
Dead at the feet of wrong,
The poet sings and guards his grave
With sentinels of song."
Abram J. Ryan: Sentinel Song, 19th century
What you learn while waiting in line . . .
I was waiting in line at the college bookstore with my son this week. Since it was the beginning of the semester, the line was literally out the door so we had a bit of a wait to pay for the books. Next to us in line were two, strapping young men who were chatting back and forth to each other. Suddenly, one of them caught sight of a curvaceous young lady at the check out counter. She was wearing a skin tight, short dress that showed off her shapely but large backside. The way she was leaning into the counter, you could tell that she knew she was looking good and hoped her assets were drawing masculine attention. I'm here to tell you that she had been noticed by the two young men in line with us but, probably, not in the way she was hoping.
One guy said, "Who is that girl trying to imitate? Angelina Jolie?"
Second guy replied, " Yeah, I know, what's with that? Everywhere I look, the girls are showing off their butts."
First guy, "Must have seen a hundred of them today."
Second guy, "Yeah . . ."
And with that, the two college students shrugged, looked away, and started talking about something else. I'm sure this was not the reaction the young lady in the short, tight dress was looking for but even these young guys were obviously in overload in respect to the body parts on display. And if there were that many young ladies putting themselves on display, their attempts to be dazzling and different just made them boring, leaving no mystery.
The girl at the counter sauntered off, wiggling her behind but the two guys in line with us were no longer bothering to look.
One guy said, "Who is that girl trying to imitate? Angelina Jolie?"
Second guy replied, " Yeah, I know, what's with that? Everywhere I look, the girls are showing off their butts."
First guy, "Must have seen a hundred of them today."
Second guy, "Yeah . . ."
And with that, the two college students shrugged, looked away, and started talking about something else. I'm sure this was not the reaction the young lady in the short, tight dress was looking for but even these young guys were obviously in overload in respect to the body parts on display. And if there were that many young ladies putting themselves on display, their attempts to be dazzling and different just made them boring, leaving no mystery.
The girl at the counter sauntered off, wiggling her behind but the two guys in line with us were no longer bothering to look.
We need to instill this quote into our children's minds!
we insist on being as sure as is conceivable... we must be content to creep
along the ground, and can never soar.
- John Henry Cardinal
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Computers are boring . . . from a kitten's viewpoint!
Careful shopping . . .
Definitely a quote to ponder . . .
So you stopped eating at Chick-Fil-A because the owner of the company thinks homosexuality is wrong - - -
Tell me, when are you going to stop buying gasoline because the owners of OPEC put homsexuals to death?
Rosa Mystica . . .
The rose is a mystery - where is it found?
Is it anything true? Does it grow upon ground?
It was made of earth's mould, but it went from men's eyes,
And its place is a secret and shut in the skies.
In the gardens of God, in the daylight divine,
Find me a place by thee, Mother of mine.
G. M. Hopkins: Rosa Mystica (14th century)
Is it anything true? Does it grow upon ground?
It was made of earth's mould, but it went from men's eyes,
And its place is a secret and shut in the skies.
In the gardens of God, in the daylight divine,
Find me a place by thee, Mother of mine.
G. M. Hopkins: Rosa Mystica (14th century)
August 15th - Assumption of the Blessed Mother into Heaven . . .
A day late but still important to make mention of one of the Church's great feast day - the Assumption of the Blessed Mother into Heaven. People would be hard put to deny that Mary was not deserving of this recognition. As our pastor said in his sermon, yesterday, we should not have envy of what was given to Mary but to use her example to one day, also, to be brought wholly into Heaven, too.
"The festival of this day is venerable to us, O Lord, to which the holy Mother of God succumbed to earthly death; but she could not be held by the bonds of death, who bore of her own flesh Thine incarnate Son our Lord."
Gregorian Sacramentary, Collect for the Feast. (17th century)
"The festival of this day is venerable to us, O Lord, to which the holy Mother of God succumbed to earthly death; but she could not be held by the bonds of death, who bore of her own flesh Thine incarnate Son our Lord."
Gregorian Sacramentary, Collect for the Feast. (17th century)
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Oatmeal Coconut Banana Chip Cake
I like cake mix redo recipes. It is great to bake from scratch but we all have those days when the faster we can get something done, the better it is for our tempers and sanity. This is a good example and is open to variations.
Oatmeal Coconut Banana Chip Cake
1/2 stick butter
1 container prepared coconut pecan frosting
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup sour cream
4 eggs
2 very ripe bananas
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
1 box yellow cake mix
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Vegetable oil spray either a Bundt pan or a 10-inch tube cake pan.
In a cooking pot, melt the butter and stir in the frosting mix. Add the oats until the mixture becomes crumbly. In a large mixing bowl, place the sour cream, eggs, bananas, vanilla, and cinnamon. Blend until very smooth. Beat in the cake mix and stir in the chocolate chips.
In the prepared cake pan of your choice, spread about 1/3rd of the batter. Sprinkle in 1/3rd of the crumb mixture. Repeat ending with crumbs on top.
Bake for about 60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted towards the middle of the cake comes out clean of moist crumbs/batter. Cool for approximately 20 minutes before turning out of the pan onto
a serving plate.
Ideas . . .
Adding 1/2 cup of ground nuts would make it a bit denser but tasty.
Butterscotch chips instead of chocolate?
Try this with a chocolate or spice cake mix?
Oatmeal Coconut Banana Chip Cake
1/2 stick butter
1 container prepared coconut pecan frosting
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup sour cream
4 eggs
2 very ripe bananas
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
1 box yellow cake mix
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Vegetable oil spray either a Bundt pan or a 10-inch tube cake pan.
In a cooking pot, melt the butter and stir in the frosting mix. Add the oats until the mixture becomes crumbly. In a large mixing bowl, place the sour cream, eggs, bananas, vanilla, and cinnamon. Blend until very smooth. Beat in the cake mix and stir in the chocolate chips.
In the prepared cake pan of your choice, spread about 1/3rd of the batter. Sprinkle in 1/3rd of the crumb mixture. Repeat ending with crumbs on top.
Bake for about 60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted towards the middle of the cake comes out clean of moist crumbs/batter. Cool for approximately 20 minutes before turning out of the pan onto
a serving plate.
Ideas . . .
Adding 1/2 cup of ground nuts would make it a bit denser but tasty.
Butterscotch chips instead of chocolate?
Try this with a chocolate or spice cake mix?
Our Brave New World . . . ?
We know the world has taken a downward turn when someone can't use initiative to get themselves out of a tight spot. Americans used to be known as resourceful . . . and still are . . . until the government overgoverns them and replaces gumption and drive with handouts and nanny state help they didn't want in the first place.
Not in my day . . .
The world has always been an interesting place. Change is constant and nothing is ever quite the same from day to day. We don't always notice this until there is a cumulative effect and the growing change is suddenly quite evident.
This kind of hit me suddenly as I was taking my son to college and I was talking to him about classes, teacher preferences, etc. and reminded him to make a note of all exits in the classroom and what to do if someone should go crazy and start shooting. This took me aback as I know my mother never had to even think about this when I was growing up! When my daughter and friends went to a late-night opening of a movie, earlier in the year, I wasn't very happy about the late hour or the crowds of people who just had to be there for the first showing of a film that would be out for weeks. It seemed to me that it was a perfect opportunity for a crazy person to do something stupid. Then the Colorado shooting happened . . . I prayed for the victims and their families and, like everyone else, was so glad it wasn't my children or their friends in that situation. The next time they went to the movies, after that, I reminded them about what to do it someone does something stupid like open fire in a crowded theater. Again, not something that even vaguely came to mind in my youth.
The world, as a whole, has a capacity for goodness and greatness and you have to wonder about the spreading pockets of random killings and such. Mother Theresa once said something to the effect that until we stop killing our unborn, there will be violence in the streets. I think God was speaking through her and sending us a message . . . One that many don't heed.
This kind of hit me suddenly as I was taking my son to college and I was talking to him about classes, teacher preferences, etc. and reminded him to make a note of all exits in the classroom and what to do if someone should go crazy and start shooting. This took me aback as I know my mother never had to even think about this when I was growing up! When my daughter and friends went to a late-night opening of a movie, earlier in the year, I wasn't very happy about the late hour or the crowds of people who just had to be there for the first showing of a film that would be out for weeks. It seemed to me that it was a perfect opportunity for a crazy person to do something stupid. Then the Colorado shooting happened . . . I prayed for the victims and their families and, like everyone else, was so glad it wasn't my children or their friends in that situation. The next time they went to the movies, after that, I reminded them about what to do it someone does something stupid like open fire in a crowded theater. Again, not something that even vaguely came to mind in my youth.
The world, as a whole, has a capacity for goodness and greatness and you have to wonder about the spreading pockets of random killings and such. Mother Theresa once said something to the effect that until we stop killing our unborn, there will be violence in the streets. I think God was speaking through her and sending us a message . . . One that many don't heed.
Great Quotes - All New Favorites!
"The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology
look respectable."
-- John Kenneth Galbraith
-- John Kenneth Galbraith
"Men of genius do not excel in any profession because they labor
in it, but they labor in it because they excel."
-- William Hazlitt
-- William Hazlitt
"Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance."
-- Will Durant
-- Will Durant
"Writing is not necessarily something to be ashamed of, but do it
in private and wash your hands afterwards."
-- Robert Heinlein
-- Robert Heinlein
Monday, August 13, 2012
Wise attitude!
may be those on earth who dress better or eat better, but those who enjoy the
peace of God sleep better.
- L. Thomas
The Cries Not Being Heard Around the World . . .
In the world we have created for ourselves, today, you have to wonder that anyone can be shocked at pictures from the Holocaust when the unborn are being killed every 20 seconds. It is a modern day holocaust and, as this article says, we have the communications technology to spread the word that wasn't available in the 1940's. For anyone who doesn't truly believe that babies in the United States of American can be dismembered and thrown away upon the whim of the mother, read this article and pray for the unborn. We are throwing away our human resources to replenish the world God gave us and these poor babies are not being heard. It is a hard heart that can go into an abortion clinic with a late-term baby under her heart and pay to have it murdered.
We've all grown up with a version of the first quote!
"Conscience is what makes a boy tell his mother before his sister
-- Evan Esar
-- Evan Esar
"Here's a rule I recommend: Never practice two vices at once."
-- Tallulah Bankhead
-- Tallulah Bankhead
"Every composer knows the anguish and despair occasioned by
forgetting ideas which one had no time to write down."
-- Hector Berlioz
-- Hector Berlioz
"Eternity's a terrible thought. I mean, where's it all going to
-- Tom Stoppard
-- Tom Stoppard
Conflict of Interests . . .
Working Towards Christmas . . .

Sunday, August 12, 2012
Self-explanatory quotes!
"That's the funny thing about havin' a kid. They come with their
own set of problems; make everything else you were worried about seem kinda
-- Greg Garcia
-- Greg Garcia
"The reason why worry kills more people than work is that more
people worry than work."
-- Robert Frost
-- Robert Frost
"Those whom the Gods would destroy, they first call promising."
-- Cyril Connolly
-- Cyril Connolly
Saturday, August 11, 2012
So . . . That's how it happened . . .
I was talking to some friends, after Mass, and we were discussing the recent news about the vice presidential candidate. Another friend walked by and someone called to her and asked if she had heard. She just disdainfully waved her hand and said she doesn't bother with politics. You have to wonder about that sort of mind set where they live and breathe America yet have so little interest in how they might continue to live and breathe the same air of freedom.
Someone else said that she doesn't vote because that is how they get jury names and she doesn't want to be on a jury. Let's see . . . Jury is your duty. Voting is your privilege and duty. Besides, they pick the names from the Department of Motor Vehicles registry now. Hope she finds out some day because I'm not going to tell her.
Given all the odd reactions of people who refuse to vote or vote on the spur of the moment, I have to agree with the opinion that a small voting turnout is actually better because that usually means informed voters are casting their vote.
Still, it is sad that people don't get excited about the democratic process that makes us the country we are today. This 2012 election is crucial as the outcome may determine how our future lives in this country will be. Probably the loudest complainers the day after the November election will be the ones who didn't bother to show up to vote the day before. We seem to live in a complacent, selfish world and that doesn't keep the peace or encourage progress. Attending church and believing in God is our priority in life, however, exercising our God-given rights to vote for freedom and good laws is extremely important, too.
Someone else said that she doesn't vote because that is how they get jury names and she doesn't want to be on a jury. Let's see . . . Jury is your duty. Voting is your privilege and duty. Besides, they pick the names from the Department of Motor Vehicles registry now. Hope she finds out some day because I'm not going to tell her.
Given all the odd reactions of people who refuse to vote or vote on the spur of the moment, I have to agree with the opinion that a small voting turnout is actually better because that usually means informed voters are casting their vote.
Still, it is sad that people don't get excited about the democratic process that makes us the country we are today. This 2012 election is crucial as the outcome may determine how our future lives in this country will be. Probably the loudest complainers the day after the November election will be the ones who didn't bother to show up to vote the day before. We seem to live in a complacent, selfish world and that doesn't keep the peace or encourage progress. Attending church and believing in God is our priority in life, however, exercising our God-given rights to vote for freedom and good laws is extremely important, too.
Beautiful . . .
is gained by learning; trust by doubt; skill by practice; and love by love.
- Thomas Szasz
Quotes to smile about . . .
"He who lives without folly isn't so wise as he thinks."
-- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
-- Francois de La Rochefoucauld
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I
have others."
-- Groucho Marx
-- Groucho Marx
Real hope for change?
The Republican vice presidential candidate has been announced and I'm impressed. I think Romney made a wise choice. People think that the VP isn't all that important but we discovered differently when JFK was assassinated and we ended up with Johnson. Naturally, we don't look to the demise of any president but it is good to know that the next in line is capable and in line with the policies set forth already.
I still worry about the people not yet 'enlightened' to the ongoing dismantling or our country over the last three-plus years who think the president deserves another term to finish off what has started. Uh, haven't they been paying attention since 2009? I also am dismayed by people who say they are voting their conscience and going with a third party. Since this is a crucial election, wouldn't it be wiser to get the incumbent out and start afresh? When I mention that a third-party candidate doesn't really have a chance, they come back with, "They would if everyone voted for them!" Yes, that is what it would take and that is not what is going to happen."
It will be interesting to see how this latest news is received by the people at morning Mass. I am constantly amazed at the number of daily Mass Catholics who see nothing wrong in supporting an adamant, anti-life, anti-religious freedom president. When I mention these facts to them, they say it is all a myth! None so blind as those who will not see . . .
I still worry about the people not yet 'enlightened' to the ongoing dismantling or our country over the last three-plus years who think the president deserves another term to finish off what has started. Uh, haven't they been paying attention since 2009? I also am dismayed by people who say they are voting their conscience and going with a third party. Since this is a crucial election, wouldn't it be wiser to get the incumbent out and start afresh? When I mention that a third-party candidate doesn't really have a chance, they come back with, "They would if everyone voted for them!" Yes, that is what it would take and that is not what is going to happen."
It will be interesting to see how this latest news is received by the people at morning Mass. I am constantly amazed at the number of daily Mass Catholics who see nothing wrong in supporting an adamant, anti-life, anti-religious freedom president. When I mention these facts to them, they say it is all a myth! None so blind as those who will not see . . .
Friday, August 10, 2012
And, yet, there was more . . . ?
As we all know by now, the United States' Roman Catholic bishops have been protesting the various policies of the current president including his support for same-sex marriage, abortion, contraception, and his insistence that all employer health insurance cover contraception . . . even if the employer is Catholic and this goes against the faith base and policies of the business and employer.
This week, however, Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan extended an invitation to the president to attend and speak at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner. This is a New York Catholic charity event that has been in existence for more than six decades.
It sends such a mixed signal to our country and the world that while many American bishops are sueing the administration over their disregard for religious freedom, Cardinal Dolan is willing to have the pro-abortion president share dinner with him like no undercurrent was happening. A United States baby is aborted every 20 seconds and this horror is staunchly endorsed by the president . . . and he is invited to a Catholic event?
At first, I sort of thought that, perhaps, one has to keep the peace on some level and not start a battle but history shows that former President Clinton and Senator John Kerry were not asked to this event for their anti-life stance. Why the difference this year?
It makes one wonder how the cardinals and bishops can come out with lawsuits on one hand yet honor the recipient of the lawsuit at a Catholic function. You have to wonder how far the world has to go in disrespecting Catholics and Christians before all clergy put their foot down strongly on this issue? Do they need to see some of us fed to the lions before they put strength behind their words and actions?
This week, however, Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan extended an invitation to the president to attend and speak at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner. This is a New York Catholic charity event that has been in existence for more than six decades.
It sends such a mixed signal to our country and the world that while many American bishops are sueing the administration over their disregard for religious freedom, Cardinal Dolan is willing to have the pro-abortion president share dinner with him like no undercurrent was happening. A United States baby is aborted every 20 seconds and this horror is staunchly endorsed by the president . . . and he is invited to a Catholic event?
At first, I sort of thought that, perhaps, one has to keep the peace on some level and not start a battle but history shows that former President Clinton and Senator John Kerry were not asked to this event for their anti-life stance. Why the difference this year?
It makes one wonder how the cardinals and bishops can come out with lawsuits on one hand yet honor the recipient of the lawsuit at a Catholic function. You have to wonder how far the world has to go in disrespecting Catholics and Christians before all clergy put their foot down strongly on this issue? Do they need to see some of us fed to the lions before they put strength behind their words and actions?
Chocolate Cake the Easy Way . . .
I like to spend time creating a three-layered cake filled with tasty frosting but time doesn't always allow me to do that for my family. Rather than buy something day old and dry from the grocery store, the kitchen cupboard should have the ingredients to put this on the evening's menu.
Chocolate Cake
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup granulated sugar
1 large egg
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup hot water
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease an 8x8-inch or 9x9-inch baking pan with vegetable oil spray.
Add all the ingredients to a mixing bowl and beat to just combine. Smooth the batter into the baking pan. Bake for approximately 20-30 minutes. Cool and serve at room temperature or cold.
deas . . .
-Some freshly-grated orange zest and a teaspoon of cinnamon makes an interesting difference.
-1 tablespoon of espresso powder to the batter brings it up to adult level.
-Adding 1/2 cup chopped nuts is good.
-When the cake is cold, mix together an instant pudding mix according to directions and pour on top
of cake. Refrigerate until set.
Chocolate Cake
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup granulated sugar
1 large egg
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup hot water
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease an 8x8-inch or 9x9-inch baking pan with vegetable oil spray.
Add all the ingredients to a mixing bowl and beat to just combine. Smooth the batter into the baking pan. Bake for approximately 20-30 minutes. Cool and serve at room temperature or cold.
deas . . .
-Some freshly-grated orange zest and a teaspoon of cinnamon makes an interesting difference.
-1 tablespoon of espresso powder to the batter brings it up to adult level.
-Adding 1/2 cup chopped nuts is good.
-When the cake is cold, mix together an instant pudding mix according to directions and pour on top
of cake. Refrigerate until set.
Word to the wise . . . is usually sufficient!
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
— Abraham Lincoln
— Abraham Lincoln
A reminder to take to heart . . .
“God will not hear our prayers unless we acknowledge ourselves to be sinners.
We do this when we ponder on our own sins alone, and not on those of our
neighbor.” ~St. Moses the Ethiopian
Thursday, August 9, 2012
This was YOUR chair?
Life lessons in quotes . . .
"Most advances in science come when a person for one reason or
another is forced to change fields."
-- Peter Borden
-- Peter Borden
"Man is so made that he can only find relaxation from one kind of
labor by taking up another."
-- Anatole France
-- Anatole France
"It is no good to try to stop knowledge from going forward.
Ignorance is never better than knowledge."
-- Enrico Fermi
-- Enrico Fermi
Unbecoming . . .
The incumbent president is currently allowing a political ad to run that is absolutely untrue. It has even hit the liberal media stations as being completely false. It accuses Governor Romney of 'murdering' a woman through his actions as a CEO. A very little research shows that the timeline doesn't work. This has been brought to the attention of the administration but they continue to run the ad? Why? Because many people will take it at face value and vote according to the lie presented to them.
I noticed this gullibility during the 2008 election. I questioned a woman's challenge to me about my vote and returned the favor to ask why she was voting as she indicated. She exclaimed, "Because I want change!" When I asked her exactly what this change would be, she had no answer. She is a representative of the problem. She heard a word she liked and voted accordingly. She didn't look past the glitz and show to find out what issues that would apply to her could evolve out of this vote.
This ad will probably do the same for her and many others. They will see it on television so it must be correct, right? How can they possibly consider voting for a murderer, right? With a well-place lie, the election could be won once more and I hate to see how the country will fare by 2016.
If people would bother to research their choices, they might be surprised. Most of them have access to the Internet. However, from the constant urban myths that keep getting passed on to me, research isn't part of their computer experience. Even when people are presented the truth, they don't want to acknowledge they might have made an error in judgment. Someone at my parish challenged me to prove that our current president was greatly in favor of abortion. I took up her challenge and printed out his voting record during his very short time in the Senate and what he has done the last three-plus years as president. As requested, I gave her the print outs, she folded them, put them in her handbag, and when I asked her several weeks later if she had read them, she said, "No." and has stopped talking to me since.
It is not only the lack of intellectual curiosity that is disheartening but that an elected official, the head of our country, would allow a blatant lie to persist on the airways in order to win an election. So far, he has done nothing but nitpick at his presidential opponent. Can't he find anything of his last three years to prove his competency for re-election?
I noticed this gullibility during the 2008 election. I questioned a woman's challenge to me about my vote and returned the favor to ask why she was voting as she indicated. She exclaimed, "Because I want change!" When I asked her exactly what this change would be, she had no answer. She is a representative of the problem. She heard a word she liked and voted accordingly. She didn't look past the glitz and show to find out what issues that would apply to her could evolve out of this vote.
This ad will probably do the same for her and many others. They will see it on television so it must be correct, right? How can they possibly consider voting for a murderer, right? With a well-place lie, the election could be won once more and I hate to see how the country will fare by 2016.
If people would bother to research their choices, they might be surprised. Most of them have access to the Internet. However, from the constant urban myths that keep getting passed on to me, research isn't part of their computer experience. Even when people are presented the truth, they don't want to acknowledge they might have made an error in judgment. Someone at my parish challenged me to prove that our current president was greatly in favor of abortion. I took up her challenge and printed out his voting record during his very short time in the Senate and what he has done the last three-plus years as president. As requested, I gave her the print outs, she folded them, put them in her handbag, and when I asked her several weeks later if she had read them, she said, "No." and has stopped talking to me since.
It is not only the lack of intellectual curiosity that is disheartening but that an elected official, the head of our country, would allow a blatant lie to persist on the airways in order to win an election. So far, he has done nothing but nitpick at his presidential opponent. Can't he find anything of his last three years to prove his competency for re-election?
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Purple Heart Day
The Purple Heart is a medal given to military who were injured and died in the line of duty. This award has been present to soldiers since April 5, 1917.
Today is Purple Heart Day. While we celebrate many Olympic achievements, let’s not forget who some of America’s real heroes are and the sacrifices they make for us! The U.S. armed forces are truly American Heroes!
How to Face Eternity in a Great Quote!
life is either all spiritual or not spiritual at all. No man can serve two
masters. Your life is shaped by the end you live for. You are made in the image
of what you desire.
- Thomas Merton
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Proposed tasks for the day . . . accomplished!
Morning Chore . . .

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes?

The year before, my husband went overboard on his tomato plants and we had an abundance of the crop. This year, he narrowed down his plant numbers and the plants got even by growing even more foliage than usual and doubling their output of fruit. Our friends and neighbors are happy about it and my freezer is filling up with bags of tomatoes. Although the call to help pick tomatoes sends us all into hiding, I have to admit that only having to go to the freezer for tomatoes in the Fall and Spring will be worth the effort.
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