Still looking for homes for the kittens that found us! They are a diverse bunch. The gray one, called Tugboat, is a feisty, all-important chap with attitude in his walk. He does like to have his chin scratched, however. The smaller black kitten is shy but enjoys being fussed over. The larger black kitten is a tough guy who will probably make a good mouser. The mother, Mrs. Black Cat, is very fond of her brood but will soon be letting them alone as the kittens are getting more kibble and making less demands on her.
According to some reliable information, too many kittens at the Humane Society Shelter and any kittens/cats brought in will be immediately put down. We are getting to the end of our ropes here but the thought of turning over these squirming bundles of fur and knowing they will die before the end of the day is too heart breaking.
It is sad that people still abandon their animals and then leave the problems and decisions up to other people.
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