I used to work with a woman who always came to work beautifully dressed and made up. She was rather pretty and was even Miss Something or Other in a nearby city. She was efficient and cursed like a sailor. Sometimes, I thought she could even put a sailor to blush. Her good vocabulary faded in all the rotten words she accumulated and used with unladylike proficiency. This was back in the 1970's when people still felt some shock hearing these words come from a woman's mouth.
Today, you can't walk through the mall without hearing a word or more that you'd rather not hear. It doesn't seem to matter the age or gender. Disgusting words of the four-letter variety have become part of the common conversation. Often makes you wonder what words they will spew forth if they really get angry!
Each of us has only a certain amount of time on this earth. Only God knows and our free will can add or detract to the number. We, also, have only so many things we can say before we meet our Maker. It seems such a waste of so little time to use any words that won't enhance our lives, make another person happy, or further our goal of Heaven. Ugly words take up the room that should be reserved for wonderful words. I remember a mother of a toddler being shocked when he came out with some four letter expletives, saying, "I don't know where he learned this. He is always at home with me and his dad."
A friend just mentioned that he was sharing a meal with a priest and mentioned a topic the priest didn't agree with and the priest used some 'choice' language. What could have been an interchange of ideas was cut short with the profanity. The priest lost a teaching moment and the respect of his young friend. It is said that we might be the only Bible a person reads. Why do people want to sully the pages of their example?
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