Although I may have mentioned this before, I'm still floored by what people do not understand about their Faith. This morning, we were coming to the Consecration of the Mass. The priest was about to say the words of Consecration and bring our Lord into our presence in an even more perfect way. The congregation is quiet, attention is focused on the altar . . . And then this woman comes clattering into the church. She stops at the votive lights at the back of the church and we can all clearly hear her slide in her quarters for the candle donation. She is not through yet. She goes the entire length of the church to the front. There is another votive light stand to the left of the altar. Again, she dumps in a noisy amount of quarters and stands in prayer in front of the picture of Our Lady of Guadeloupe. She is seemingly oblivious to the fact that there is 'something' going on here and she might be a disruption. Abruptly completing her prayer petitions to the Blessed Mother, she turns and heads back down the aisle . . . just as the Consecration takes place!
Yes, Mary is the Mother of Jesus but Jesus IS God and it was HIS Mass taking place. Granted, this woman was looking for some solace in the confines of the church but how sad she didn't seem to acknowledge or understand was she was missing.
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