When you book a package tour that includes meals, you don't usually expect anything except basic food to get you from one guided tour to the next. Much to our surprise, all the meals on our trip were more than excellent. We almost looked forward to eating than sightseeing . . . almost!
One of our fellow tourists took pictures of every meal put n front of her. I wish I had taken her lead as it is hard to remember them all now. However, this dessert demanded a picture and I'm glad I have it to look back on and remember.
Ooh, this looks fancy! What is the name of this dish? Did the European food inspire you to try out some new recipes back at your home? :-) Thank you for posting the Germany/Europe photos! I hope one day I can experience those adventures myself. :-)
It was an amazing dessert! Didn't have a name just a French chef who produced miracles in his kitchen. Yes, I keep trying to recreate some of the taste memories of the trip.
For sure, your family and ours have to save up and book this tour just for ourselves. Wouldn't that be a fun adventure?
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