Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dead Man's Corner in the Town of Carentan


Dead Man's Corner was an amazing place. From what I'm remembering, this is not the original building but rebuilt exactly as it was originally. There is a wonderful museum with enough war items to keep my history-minded son happy for hours. The gift shop area sold original and replica items from the war including uniforms and medals, etc. My son treated himself to a 'potato masher'. Now, you will all have to Google this to see that it is definitely not the type to use in the kitchen although it could pulverize a poor potato!

The name, Dead Man's Corner? Seems that when the allied tanks were coming into the area, the person in the first tank was taken out by a German sniper. He died at his tank. Since this was an invasion, there was no time to do anything about the poor soldier and there he stayed for something like three days. As more and more tanks were coming in and asking for directions, the response was, "Turn at the dead man at the corner" thus giving the place it's name today.
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