When it comes down to the line, those last few days before payday, we learn to manage, cope and be farsighted. Supplies are down, appetites unchanging (always hungry!), and you tentatively start working on your grocery list. You hope your anticipation will match the funds left over from the paycheck to cover groceries. Things start squeaking as belts start figuratively tightening but you know all will be well if everyone remembers this: Be circumspect.
These are your first words to your spouse as you head out for the payday replenishment of the cupboards, refrigerator and other miscellaneous needs of your home. You know you will return triumphantly within the next few hours with all the comforts of life that your money can afford. All you ask is that everyone be . . . well, circumspect while you are gone. Your husband wonders at your choice of words, the children could care less and you smile knowingly as you pull out of the driveway.
As you drive to the supermarket, you mull over the word, circumspect. You know life will go much easier for them at home if they keep this word in mind. Circumspect . . . cautious . . . levelheaded . . . prudent . . .reserved . . . vigilant. All words related to circumspect. All words that will help the family make it through the time you are away from home. After all, no matter what their immediate needs, shopping has become an art form. You need to juggle your grocery list, your coupons and whatever club card required by the store to obtain their weekly bargains. You know life may be rough while you are away.
Two hours later, you pull into the driveway. You find your husband and children lined up in the front yard, waiting for you. You realize your return is not any too soon. The first words out of your husband’s mouth are, “Did you know there were only two paper towels, three sheets of bathroom tissue and four Kleenex in this house?” You smile wisely, pat him on the face and hand him the bag of desired paper products. “So tell me,” he mutters, “Were you circumspect?” “Didn’t have to be,” you reply, “There’s a fully-stocked restroom at the market!”
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